Managing Duplicate Usernames#

Users are created in a sync with LDAP or CUCM (Cisco Unified Communications Manager), or they’re created manually in VOSS Automate.


Usernames for admin and non-admin users must be unique within the hierarchy, both upwards and downwards. User emails must be unique system-wide.

All users are created according to these duplicate username guidelines:

  • A user’s username can’t be updated if another user in the current hierarchy has the same username. This restriction includes above, below, or at the same level in the current hierarchy.

  • You can’t add a user with the same username as another user that is above, or was originally above before being moved, the current hierarchy.

  • You can’t manually add a user with the same username as another user at the same level or below in the current hierarchy.

  • You can’t convert a user to a subscriber or CUCM user if another user at the same level or below the CUCM in the current hierarchy has the same username.

  • A user may or may not be synced from LDAP or CUCM if another user at the same level or below in the current hierarchy has the same username.

    This condition depends on the source of the existing user.

The following tables describe sync conditions for users created in a LDAP or CUCM sync.

Users created in an LDAP sync:

Source of existing user



Simple user update, if the user is coming from the same LDAP server


Update user, update provisioning status with LDAP server and SyncTo info

Manually created

Update user, update provisioning status with LDAP server and SyncTo info

Users created in a CUCM sync:

Source of existing user



User is not synced


Simple user update, if the user is coming from the same CUCM server

Manually created

Update user, update provisioning status and SyncTo info with CUCM server

Users created in Automate and auto pushed to CUCM

The table refers to subscribers created in Automate using:

  • Subscriber Management > Subscribers

  • Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber

  • Auto Push feature on Site

Quick Add Subscriber and Subscriber Management create subscribers and users, while Manage Users and the Auto Push to CUCM feature convert existing users into subscribers.

Source of existing user



Update user, update provisioning status with CUCM server (keep SyncTo info the same)


No action or updates are necessary

Manually created

Update user, update provisioning status with CUCM server and update SyncTo to the CUCM hierarchy if the current SyncTo is below it


  • If a user can’t be created or updated during an LDAP or CUCM sync, a log is created in User Management > Log Messages, and the sync succeeds.

    If a user can’t be created or updated manually, an error message is generated.

  • If the duplicate user check fails, the transaction fails and the user is not converted to a subscriber.

  • If a user’s SyncTo value is updated, SSO User updates can result. The SSO User’s IDP is set to the IDP configured at the new SyncTo hierarchy node. If no IDP is configured at the new SyncTo hierarchy node, the SSO User is deleted, if it existed. If an IDP is configured at the new SyncTo hierarchy node, but no SSO User exists, an SSO User is created at the user’s hierarchy node.

  • An update is blocked if two duplicate users are from the same source but originate from different servers.