Called Party Number As Dialed Feature#

By default Cisco Type 1-4 dial plans route outbound PSTN calls with called party numbers in a +E.164 format. However, you can implement the As Dialed feature to instead route outbound calls using an ‘as-dialed’ format using a country’s national trunk prefix.

For example, for Great Britain, if the dialed number is 0 20 8824 9286, then called-party number in E.164 format is +44 20 8824 9286. If the ‘as-dialed’ format is enabled, then the called-party number is 0 20 8824 9286.


  • Enabling sending called-party numbers ‘as dialed’ is done on a per-country and per-call type basis.

  • This procedure applies to Cisco Type 1-4 dial plan schema groups.

The procedures to implement the Called-Party Number As Dialed feature vary depending on:

  • The version of VOSS Automate

  • Whether country-specific dial plans have been deployed to the customer

Pre-VOSS-4-UC 10.6(2)

VOSS-4-UC 10.6(2) or later

Country Dial Plan not deployed for customer

  1. Edit Country Dial Plan Schema (pre-10.6(2)) for Called-Party As Dialed Feature

  1. Edit Country Dial Plan Schema (10.6(2) or later) for Called-Party As Dialed Feature

  1. Deploy Country Dial Plan

  1. Deploy Country Dial Plan

Country Dial Plan deployed for customer

  1. Edit Route Patterns for Called-Party As Dialed Feature

  1. Edit Route Lists for Called-Party As Dialed Feature

  1. Edit Route Lists for Called-Party As Dialed Feature

Edit Country Dial Plan Schema [pre-10.6(2)] for Called-Party As Dialed Feature#

Modify the Route Patterns and Route Lists in the dial plan schema for each country dial plan to be deployed to the customer.


Edit all route patterns with the following exceptions:

  • Any route pattern that has the digits 04 (emergency), 05 (service), or 11 (operator) immediately before the dot.

  • Any route pattern that has the digits 01 (international) immediately before the dot, unless the country code is specified immediately after the dot.

  • Any route pattern that has an X (mask digit) immediately after the dot.

Edit all route lists with the following exceptions:

  • Emergency

  • International

  • Operator

  • Service

Before You Begin#

To complete this procedure, you need to know the country code and country-specific trunk prefix.

  1. Log in as provider administrator.

  2. Select Dial Plan Management > Advanced Configuration > Dial Plan Schema.

  3. Click the country dial plan schema you want to modify.

    Select the country dial plan schema located closest to the customer hierarchy node.

    Example: For Great Britain, select HcsGenericCustomerGBRDP-V5-SCH.

  4. Select the Route Patterns tab.

  5. For each route pattern, except for the ones noted previously:

    1. In the Route Pattern field:

      • If the route pattern contains the country code after the dot, move it to immediately before the dot.

      • If the route pattern does not contain the country code, add it immediately before the dot.

      Example: For Great Britain:

      • Change **001.44! to **00144.!

      • Change **002.! to **00244.!

    2. In the Called Party Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field, change the + to +<cc>, where <cc> is the appropriate country code.

    Example: For Great Britain, change + to +44

  1. Select the Route Lists tab.

  2. For each route list, except for the ones noted previously, under Members, click More…

    1. If necessary, click + to expand the Members field.

    2. For Called Party Discard Digits, select PreDot.

    3. For Called Party Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls), enter the appropriate trunk prefix for the country.

  1. Click Save.

Edit Country Dial Plan Schema [10.6(2) or later] for Called-Party As Dialed Feature#

Modify the dial plan schema for each country dial plan to be deployed to the customer.


Edit all route lists with the following exceptions:

  • Emergency

  • International

  • Operator

  • Service

Before You Begin#

To complete this procedure, you need to know the country code and country-specific trunk prefix.

  1. Log in as provider administrator.

  2. Select Dial Plan Management > Advanced Configuration > Dial Plan Schema.

  3. Click the country dial plan schema you want to modify.

  4. On the tabs bar, select Route Lists.

  5. For the route list you want to update, under Members, click More…

  6. If necessary, click + to expand the Members field.

  7. For Called Party Discard Digits, select PreDot.

  8. For Called Party Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls), enter the appropriate trunk prefix for the country.

  9. Click Save.

Edit Route Patterns for Called-Party As Dialed Feature#

If pre-10.6(2) Country Dial Plans have been deployed, edit certain route patterns to place the country code before the dot in the patterns.


Edit all route patterns for all country dial plans deployed for the customer with the following exceptions:

  • Any route pattern that has the digits 04 (emergency), 05 (service), or 11 (operator) immediately before the dot.

  • Any route pattern that has the digits 01 (international) immediately before the dot, unless the country code is specified immediately after the dot.

  • Any route pattern that has an X (mask digit) immediately after the dot.

Before You Begin#

To complete this procedure, you need to know the country code for each country dial plan deployed for the customer.

  1. Log in as provider administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer for which you are implementing the As Dialed feature.

  3. Select Device Management > CUCM > Route Patterns.

  4. Click the route pattern.

  5. On the Pattern Definitions tab, edit the Route Pattern field.

    • If the route pattern contains the country code after the dot, move it to immediately before the dot.

    • If the route pattern does not contain the country code, add it immediately before the dot.

    Example: For Great Britain:

    • Change **001.44! to **00144.!

    • Change **002.! to **00244.!

  1. On the Called Party Transformations tab, change the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field from + to +<cc> where <cc> is the appropriate country code.

    Example: For Great Britain, change + to +44

  2. Click Save.

Edit Route Lists for Called-Party As Dialed Feature#

If country dial plans have been deployed, use this procedure to implement the Called-Party As Dialed feature.


Edit all country-specific route lists for the customer with the following exceptions:

  • Emergency

  • International

  • Operator

  • Service

Before You Begin#

To complete this procedure you need to know the country-specific trunk prefix.

  1. Log in as provider administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer for which you want to implement the Called-Party As Dialed feature.

  3. Select Device Management > CUCM > Route Lists.

  4. Click the route list to edit.

  5. Click the + to expand the Route Group Items section.

  6. For Called Party Discard Digits, select PreDot.

  7. For Called Party Prefix Digits, enter the appropriate trunk prefix for the country.

  8. Click Save.