Configure Inter-site Cross-cluster Support#

This procedure configures the environment to provide support for inter-site calls for customers that have sites spanning multiple clusters.

  1. Create a full-mesh network between clusters for customers.

    Create trunk, route group, and route list with VOSS Automate for a given cluster to every other cluster owned by the customer.

    For a shared CUCM, a SIP security profile is needed for each trunk.

    See Configure SIP Trunks, Configure Route Groups, Configure Route Lists.

  2. For each site added to a cluster, add a route pattern to all the other clusters in the mesh network owned by the customer.

    The route pattern is added to the InterSiteRouting partition, the partition name in CUCM is Cu<CustomerID>-ISR-PT, where <CustomerID> is the customer ID.

    • The pattern in the route pattern depends on the internal dial plan type:

      • Type 1 and type 3 are the site location code (SLC) plus the extension mask of the site.

      • Type 2 is the ISP plus the SLC plus the extension mask of the site.

      • Type 4 is the DN range of the site.

    • The route list in the route pattern is the route list associated to the site cluster.