What’s New#

Best Practices Guide: Release 21.4-PB5#

  • EKB-18219: Microsoft Teams Online import fails with deserialized object size of the data exceeded maximum object size. See: Microsoft Sync Overview

    Added a note for the paging support and max records synced in for msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser.

  • VOSS-1313: Enhance Filtering option for logic to determine Microsoft users to sync and move. See: Microsoft Sync Overview

    Details have been added around support for enhanced filtering options for synced in Microsoft users, including new On Premises Extension Attributes.

Best Practices Guide: Release 21.4-PB4#

  • N/A

Best Practices Guide: Release 21.4-PB3#

  • N/A

Best Practices Guide: Release 21.4-PB2#

  • N/A

Best Practices Guide: Release 21.4-PB1#

  • EKB-15520: Enable Quick Import on default syncs for SyncMS365, SyncMS365Users, and SyncMSTeamsOnline. See: Microsoft Sync Overview

    Added details for changes to Microsoft default data syncs, and updated the data sync denylist for “device/msgraph/MsolUser” and “device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser”

Best Practices Guide: Release 21.4#