Upgrade a Single Node Cluster Environment with the ISO and Template#


  • Upgrading to release 21.1 requires a system on 19.x, with security updates completed.

  • While template installation and system upgrade takes approximately two hours at a single site, this may vary in accordance with your topology, number of devices and subscribers. Adjust your upgrade maintenance window to allow for your configuration.

  • When upgrading from CUCDM 11.5.3 Patch Bundle 2 or VOSS-4-UC 18.1 Patch Bundle 2 and earlier, re-import specified CUC models according to your current version. Refer to the final upgrade procedure step.

  • Tasks that are marked Prior to Maintenance Window can be completed a few days prior to the scheduled maintenance window so that VOSS support can be contacted if needed and in order to allow for reduce down time.

The standard screen command should be used where indicated. See: Using the screen command.

Download Files and Check (Prior to Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

VOSS files:

https://voss.portalshape.com > Downloads > VOSS Automate > XXX > Upgrade

Download .iso/.ova and .template files, where XXX matches the release. Transfer the file to the media/ folder. Two options:

Either using SFTP:

  • sftp platform@<unified_node_hostname>

  • cd media

  • put <upgrade_iso_or_ova_file>

  • put <upgrade_template_file>

Or using SCP:

  • scp <upgrade_iso_or_ova_file> platform@<unified_node_ip_address>:~/media

  • scp <upgrade_template_file> platform@<unified_node_ip_address>:~/media

Verify that the .iso/.ova image and .template file copied:

  • ls -l media/

Verify that the original .sha256 checksums on the Download site match.

  • system checksum media/<upgrade_iso_or_ova_file>

    Checksum: <SHA256>

  • system checksum media/<upgrade_template_file>

    Checksum: <SHA256>

Security and Health Steps single node cluster (Prior to Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Validate the system health.

Verify there are no pending Security Updates:

security check

Check system health.

  • diag disk

If there is any sign of the paths below are over 80% full, a clean-up is needed, for example to avoid risk of full logs occurring during upgrade. Clean-up steps are indicated next to the paths:

/              (call support if over 80%)
/var/log       (run: log purge)
/opt/platform  (remove any unnecessary files from /media directory)
/tmp           (reboot)
  • Adaptation check - if the GS SME Adaptation is installed, check for duplicate instances of of GS_SMETemplateData_DAT and deleted any duplicates before upgrading to 21.2.

Schedules, Transactions and Version Check (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Turn off any scheduled imports to prevent syncs triggering part way through the upgrade. Two options are available:

Individually for each job:

  1. Log in on the Admin Portal as a high level administrator above Provider level.

  2. Select the Scheduling menu to view scheduled jobs.

  3. Click each scheduled job. On the Base tab, uncheck the Activate check box.

Mass modify:

  1. On the Admin Portal, export scheduled syncs into a bulk load sheet.

  2. Modify the schedule settings to de-activate scheduled syncs.

  3. Import the sheet.

Schedules enabled on the CLI:

  1. Run schedule list to check if any schedules exist and overlap with the maintenance window.

  2. For overlapping schedules, disable. Run schedule disable <job-name>.

Check for running imports. Either wait for them to complete or cancel them:

  1. Log in on the Admin Portal as a high level administrator above Provider level.

  2. Select the Transaction menu to view transactions.

  3. Filter the Action column:

    1. Choose Status as “Processing” and then choose each Action that starts with “Import”, for example, “Import Unity Connection”.

    2. Click Search and confirm there are no results.

    3. If there are transactions to cancel, select them and click Cancel.

Customized ``data/Settings``

If data/Settings instances have been modified, record these or export them as JSON.

The modifications can be re-applied or exported JSON instances can be merged following the upgrade. See: Post Template Upgrade Tasks single node cluster (Maintenance Window).


Record the current version information. This is required for upgrade troubleshooting.

  • Log in on the Admin Portal and record the information contained in the About > Extended Version

Pre-Upgrade Steps single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Create a restore point and then restart server.

As part of the rollback procedure, ensure that a suitable restore point is obtained prior to the start of the activity, as per the guidelines for the infrastructure on which the VOSS Automate platform is deployed. If you cannot restore the application from a restore point, your only recourse is to reinstall the application. When the backup is complete and you do not need the restore point for restore activities, you can remove it.

After the restore point has been created, restart.

Optional: If a backup is required in addition to the restore point, use the backup add <location-name> and backup create <location-name> commands. For details, refer to the Platform Guide.

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Before upgrading, check all services:

Make sure no services are stopped/broken. The message ‘suspended waiting for mongo’ is normal on a fresh node.

  • app status

Verify the node is not in the ‘recovering’ state (stateStr is not RECOVERING)

  • database config

The following step is needed if own private certificate and generated SAN certificates are required and the web cert gen_csr command was run. For details, refer to the Web Certificate Setup Options topic in the Platform Guide.

The steps below are needed to check if a CSR private key exists but no associated signed certificate is available.

Request VOSS support to run on the CLI as root user, the following command:

for LST in /opt/platform/apps/nginx/config/csr/*;
do openssl x509 -in $LST -text -noout >/dev/null
2>&1 && SIGNED="$LST"; done

echo $SIGNED

If the echo $SIGNED command output is blank, back up the csr/ directory with for example the following command:

mv /opt/platform/apps/nginx/config/csr/ /opt/platform/apps/nginx/config/csrbackup

Upgrade single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

It is recommended that the upgrade steps are run in a terminal opened with the screen command.

On the primary unified node:

  • screen

  • If upgrading from earlier than release 20.1.1:

    app upgrade media/<upgrade_iso_file>


    If upgrading from release 20.1.1, on the primary unified node, use the command:

    cluster upgrade media/<upgrade_iso_file>

    If upgrading from release 21.1 and up, on the primary application node,

    cluster upgrade media/<upgrade_iso_file>

All unused docker images except selfservice and voss_ubuntu images will be removed from the system at this stage.

Note: If the system reboots, do not carry out the next manual reboot step. When upgrading from pre-19.1.1, an automatic reboot should be expected.

To remove a mount directory media/<iso_file basename> on nodes that may have remained after for example an upgrade, run:

cluster run all app cleanup

Manual reboot only if needed:

  • system reboot

If node messages: <node name> failed with timeout are displayed, these can be ignored.

Since all services will be stopped, this takes some time.

Close screen: Ctrl-a \


In order to carry out fewer upgrade steps, the updates of instances of the some models are skipped in the cases where:

  • data/CallManager instance does not exist as instance in data/NetworkDeviceList

  • data/CallManager instance exists, but data/NetworkDeviceList is empty

  • Call Manager AXL Generic Driver and Call Manager Control Center Services match the data/CallManager IP

Post-Upgrade, Security and Health Steps single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Verify the status:

  • diag health

If upgrade is successful, the screen session can be closed by typing exit in the screen terminal. If errors occurred, keep the screen terminal open for troubleshooting purposes and contact VOSS support.

Complete all the security updates.

  • security update

The docker images selfservice and voss_ubuntu will be removed from the system at this stage.

Note: If the system reboots, do not carry out the next manual reboot step . When upgrading from pre-19.1.1, an automatic reboot should be expected.

Manual reboot only if needed:

  • system reboot

Database Filesystem Conversion single node cluster (Maintenance Window, if required)#


To check if the step is not required:

  • Run drives list and ensure that the LVM storage shows for all converted database nodes under Volume Groups. If the output of the drives list command contains dm-0 - mongodb:dbroot, the step is not required. Refer to the drives list command output example below.

The database convert_drive command provides parameters that allow for a flexible upgrade schedule in order to limit system downtime.

When the database convert_drive command is run, the voss-deviceapi service will be stopped first and started after completion. The command should therefore be run during a maintenance window while there are no running transactions.

For a single node cluster system drive conversion, ensure the standalone parameter is used.

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Shut down. Since all services will be stopped, this takes some time.

  • system shutdown

Create a restore point as per the guidelines for the infrastructure on which the VOSS Automate platform is deployed so that the system can easily be reverted in the case of a conversion error.

Stop transactions from being scheduled.


  • database convert_drive standalone

Note: this step may take a few hours. Wait until it completes successfully.

  • database config

    Ensure that the storage engine for the database node shows as storageEngine: WiredTiger

  • drives list

    Ensure that the LVM storage for the database node shows under Volume Groups

In the example below, dbroot/dm-0 shows under Volume Groups, Logical volumes

$ drives list
Used disks and mountpoints:
sdc1 - services:backups
dm-0 - mongodb:dbroot

Unused disks:
none - if disks have been hot-mounted, it may be necessary to reboot the system

Unused mountpoints:

Volume Groups
voss - 10.0 GB free, 60.0 GB total
Physical volumes:
Logical volumes:
dbroot/dm-0 - 50.0 GB

Database Schema Upgrade single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#


When upgrading from 19.X or earlier, please refer to the VOSS-4-UC 21.1 Release Changes and Impact document for details on model and workflow changes. Customizations related to these changes may be affected by this step.

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

It is recommended that the upgrade steps are run in a terminal opened with the screen command.

  • screen

  • voss upgrade_db

Template Upgrade single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

It is recommended that the upgrade steps are run in a terminal opened with the screen command.

  • screen

  • app template media/<VOSS Automate.template>

The following message appears:

Running the DB-query to find the current environment's
existing solution deployment config...
  • Python functions are deployed

  • System artifacts are imported.

The template upgrade automatically detects the deployment mode: “Enterprise”, “Provider with HCM-F” or “Provider without HCM-F”. A message displays according to the selected deployment type. Check for one of the messages below:

Importing EnterpriseOverlay.json

Importing ProviderOverlay_Hcmf.json ...

Importing ProviderOverlay_Decoupled.json ...

The template install automatically restarts necessary applications.

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Review the output from the app template command and confirm that the upgrade message appears:

Deployment summary of PREVIOUS template solution
(i.e. BEFORE upgrade):

Product: [PRODUCT]
Iteration-version: [PREVIOUS ITERATION]

This is followed by updated product and version details:

Deployment summary of UPDATED template solution
(i.e. current values after installation):

Product: [PRODUCT]
Iteration-version: [UPDATED ITERATION]

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

  • If no errors are indicated, make a backup or restore point as per the guidelines for the infrastructure on which the VOSS Automate platform is deployed.

    This restore point can be used if post-upgrade patches that may be required, fail.

For an unsupported upgrade path, the install script stops with the message:

Upgrade failed due to unsupported upgrade path.
Please log in as sysadmin
and see Transaction logs for more detail.

You can restore to the backup or rollback/revert to the restore point made before the upgrade.

If there are errors for another reason, the install script stops with a failure message listing the problem. Contact VOSS support.

Post upgrade migrations:

  • voss post-upgrade-migrations

Data migrations that are not critical to system operation can have significant execution time at scale. These need to be performed after the primary upgrade, allowing the migration to proceed whilst the system is in use - thereby limiting upgrade windows.

A transaction is queued on VOSS Automate and its progress is displayed as it executes.

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Check status and health

  • diag health

  • app status

Post Template Upgrade Tasks single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Import ``device/cucm/PhoneType``

In order for a security profile to be available for a Call Manager Analog Phone, the device/cucm/PhoneType model needs to be imported for each Unified CM.

  1. Create a Model Type List which includes the device/cucm/PhoneType model.

  2. Add the Model Type List to all the required Unified CM Data Syncs.

  3. Execute the Data Sync for all the required Unified CMs.

SSO Login URL check if needed

Verify the SSO Login URL if needed. Go to Single Sign On > SSO Identity Provider and ensure your URL matches the SSO Login URL value.

Support for VG400 and VG450 Analogue Gateways

Before adding the VG400 or VG450 Gateway, the device/cucm/GatewayType model needs to be imported for each Unified CM.

  1. Create a Model Type List which includes the device/cucm/GatewayType model.

  2. Add the Model Type List to all the required Unified CM Data Syncs.

  3. Execute the Data Sync for all the required Unified CMs.

Verify the upgrade:

Log in on the Admin Portal and check the information contained in the About > Version menu. Confirm that versions have upgraded.

  • Release should show XXX

  • Platform Version should show XXX

where XXX corresponds with the release number of the upgrade.

If your web browser cannot open the user interface, clear your browser cache before trying to open the interface again.

  • Check themes on all roles are set correctly

Restore Schedules single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Re-enable scheduled imports if any were disabled prior to the upgrade. Two options are available:

Individually for each job:

  1. Log in on the Admin Portal as a high level administrator above Provider level.

  2. Select the Scheduling menu to view scheduled jobs.

  3. Click each scheduled job. On the Base tab, check the Activate check box.

Mass modify:

  1. Modify the exported sheet of schedules to activate scheduled syncs.

  2. Import the bulk load sheet.


Select the Skip next execution if you do not wish to execute schedules overlapping the maintenance window, but only execute thereafter.

Schedules enabled on the CLI:

  1. For disabled schedules that were overlapping the maintenance window, enable.

    Run schedule enable <job-name>.

Release Specific Updates single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

When upgrading from CUCDM 11.5.3 Patch Bundle 2 or VOSS-4-UC 18.1 Patch Bundle 2 and earlier, re-import the following from all CUCM devices, since this upgrade deleted obsolete CUC timezone codes from the VOSS Automate database:

  • CUC models:



This is a once off data migration step. If this was performed previously when upgrading to 19.1.x, then it does not have to be repeated.

After upgrading, obtain and install the following patch according to its accompanying MOP file, where XXX matches the release:

  • Server Name: https://voss.portalshape.com

  • Path: Downloads > VOSS Automate > XXX > Upgrade

  • Patch Directory: Update_CUC_Localization_patch

  • Patch File: Update_CUC_Localization_patch.script

  • MOP File: MOP-Update_CUC_Localization.pdf


This is a once off data migration step. If this was performed previously when upgrading to 19.x, then it does not have to be repeated.

Re-import the following from all CUCM devices:

  • CUCM models:


For steps to create a custom data sync, refer to the chapter on Data Sync in the Core Feature Guide.


This is a once off data migration step. If this was performed previously when upgrading to 19.1.x, then it does not have to be repeated.

When upgrading to release 21.3, users of Microsoft apps should after upgrade, select each Microsoft Tenant (relation/MicrosoftTenant) in the Admin GUI and click Save on it without making any changes.

This step is required so that VOSS Automate can communicate with the Tenant post upgrade.

Only if the following step was not carried out when upgrading to Release 21.3-PB1:

On the primary node, run:

voss migrate_summary_attributes data/InternalNumberInventory

Log Files and Error Checks single node cluster (Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

Inspect the output of the command line interface for upgrade errors, for example File import failed! or Failed to execute command.

Use the log view command to view any log files indicated in the error messages, for example, run the command if the following message appears:

For more information refer to the execution log file with
'log view platform/execute.log'

For example, if it is required send all the install log files in the install directory to an SFTP server:

  • log send sftp://x.x.x.x install

Log in on the Admin Portal as system level administrator, go to Administration Tools > Transaction and inspect the transactions list for errors.

Licensing (outside, after Maintenance Window)#

Description and Steps

Notes and Status

From release 21.4 onwards, the deployment needs to be licensed. After installation, a 7-day grace period is available to license the product. Since license processing is only scheduled every hour, if you wish to license immediately, first run voss check-license on the CLI.

1. Obtain the required license token from VOSS. 2.

  1. To license through the GUI, follow steps indicated in Product License Management in the Core Feature Guide.

  2. To license through the CLI, follow steps indicated in Product Licensing in the Platform Guide.

For Upgrading from 18.1.3 to the current release, see: Upgrading from 18.1.3 to Current Release - Summary.