Set up a Web Proxy#
Web Proxies can be added from the Web Proxies menu:
For licensing:
If your licensing delivery method configuration includes a destination that allows for the selection of a web proxy.
Add a web proxy to capture its connection details in the partner deployment.
The web proxy Name will be available to select on file transfer destination input forms that have Web proxy drop downs, for example VOSS Cloud Licensing Service.
For VOSS Wingman:
To create a web proxy instance to be used in the Wingman Web Proxy setting available to
users (default menus, Administration Menu > Settings), thereby allowing VOSS Wingman to function in environments that access the internet via an HTTP proxy. The web proxy Name will be available to select in the Wingman Web Proxy dropdown.Note
The Web protocol setting must be
Ensure that the web proxy is created at a hierarchy level that is at or above the required level. This is necessary for the proxy to be available for requests. For example, if the proxy is created at a specific customer hierarchy level below a provider, it will not be available for another customer hierarchy that is also below the same provider.
From the menu, add an instance and complete the necessary fields:
Web protocol (http/https)
Proxy protocol (http)
Proxy address
Proxy port
Click Save.