What’s New#
Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide: Release 24.2#
EKB-14108: Update title of Voicemail setting in Global Setting. See: Global Settings
Updated the title of field in Global Settings, Voicemail, to accurately reflect system behavior.
EKB-18791: Transfer box only shows first 1000 results. See: Audit Number Inventory
Updated the transfer box results limit, and added details around support for filtering using a “contains” search.
EKB-19073: On relation/User page hide services that are not enabled under Global Settings. See: Global Settings
Docs added for show/hide enabled and disabled services on the user’s Services tab via Global Settings.
VOSS-1382: Allow INI number reservation per user. See: Number Inventory
Docs updated for the number inventory (INI) feature that allows a number to be reserved for a specific user, and to filter INI drop-downs to show only numbers reserved for or belonging to a selected user.
VOSS-1382: Allow INI number reservation per user. See: View Number Details and Usage in the Number Inventory
Docs updated for the number inventory (INI) feature that allows a number to be reserved for a specific user, and to filter INI drop-downs to show only numbers reserved for or belonging to a selected user.
VOSS-1382: Allow INI number reservation per user. See: Number Reservation
Docs updated for the number inventory (INI) feature that allows a number to be reserved for a specific user, and to filter INI drop-downs to show only numbers reserved for or belonging to a selected user.
VOSS-1382: Allow INI number reservation per user. See: Number Range Management
Docs updated for the number inventory (INI) feature that allows a number to be reserved for a specific user, and to filter INI drop-downs to show only numbers reserved for or belonging to a selected user.
VOSS-1471: Management of inventory filter drop-downs. See: Global Settings
Added details on Global Setting “Enable Filters” option and Manage Number Filters feature.
VOSS-784: (EKB-9270: Remove the automatic creation of cloned roles). See: Customers
Added details on Delete Unused Roles feature and the Clone Admin Role option when managing sites, customers, providers and resellers.