Audit Number Inventory#
Automate allows you to perform an audit of the number inventory to ensure that the status and usage values of each number aligns to the devices or services configured with these matching numbers.
For more information about the values for Status and Usage, see Number Status and Usage.
Numbers that are in a Cooling or Reserved state aren’t included in an audit.
For vendor-specific audit details, see UC Vendor Guidelines for Numbers.
You can only run the number inventory audit for customers that have number management enabled. See Create and Modify a Customer.
You can view the list of internal numbers, and move, delete, and export them as required, on the Number Inventory list view (default menu, Number Management > Number Inventory).
For Microsoft environments, available numbers are added (else updated if present) to the inventory, with:
status: Available
vendor: Microsoft
number type: Operator Connect or Calling Plan
For details, see: Microsoft Teams Deployments
The audit creates new numbers for devices or services that don’t already exist, and updates existing number entries so that the Status and Usage fields display accurate information at the time the audit is run. Importantly, number entries are not deleted.
Number Inventory Audit and Hierarchies#
The table describes the difference between running a number audit inventory at the customer level compared to the site level:
Customer |
Site |
For sites using Site Location Code-based dial plans, number inventories can be created only at the site hierarchy. The customer hierarchy won’t be available.
Audit Number Inventory Common Errors#
The table describes common errors and steps to resolve, when running audit number inventory:
Error |
Resolution |
Duplicate device profiles (same profile name) in different clusters |
Ensure that device profiles are not duplicated across the sites. |
Duplicate phones (same MAC) in different clusters |
Ensure that phones are not duplicated across the clusters. |
Same internal number in one or more clusters |
Ensure that internal numbers (even in different partitions) are not duplicated across clusters. |
Run a Number Inventory Audit#
You can only run Audit Number Inventory from a customer hierarchy. If you try to run it from a hierarchy that is not of type Customer, you will be prompted to choose a valid customer hierarchy.
Log in to VOSS Automate as provider or reseller administrator.
Select the relevant Customer hierarchy level.
Go to Audit Number Inventory (via, default menu Number Management > Audit Number Inventory).
From the Is Number Inventory deployed at Customer or Site Level drop-down, select an option, either of the following:
If your number inventory is deployed at customer level, select Customer, then click Save to run the audit number inventory at all sites at the selected customer.
If your number inventory is deployed at site level, choose Site, then, at Would you like to audit all sites or a subset of sites, select an option:
Select All to run audit number inventory at all sites at the selected customer.
Select Specific to choose the sites where you want to audit the number inventory, then select sites, one or more (maximum 200), from Available to Selected in the transfer box.
The number of sites you have in your environment may exceed the number of sites displayed in the transfer box. You can use a contains search to filter the list for the sites you want to include in the number inventory audit.
Click Save to run audit number inventory.
View transaction progress. The number inventory is updated at the hierarchy you specified, and below.