Dashboard Download

  • Dashboard OVA file:

    1. Log in on the VOSS Customer Portal

    2. Go to Downloads > VOSS Insights > Insights Dashboard > <release number> > New Installation.

    3. Download the .ova file

    4. Verify that the original .sha256 checksums on the download site server match.

      • system checksum media/<ova_file>

      Checksum: <SHA256>

  • Dashboard upgrade file:

    1. Log in on the VOSS Customer Portal

      1. Go to Downloads > VOSS Insights > Insights Dashboard > <release number> > Upgrade.

      2. Download the .lxsp upgrade file

      3. Verify that the original .sha256 checksums on the download site server match.

        • system checksum media/<lxsp_file>

        Checksum: <SHA256>


    1. Use the direct link - for automated download mechanisms:

      1. http://www.layerxtech.com/downloads/analytix/updates/layerX-reporter-sp66-sp22.1.1.lxsp

        To ensure continuity, the release updates will still be available from the LayerX download site, allowing customers to either download files manually, or via the automated download mechanisms from that location.