Reporter Integration

Reporter Integration

As described earlier, the Forwarder can send data to both Arbitrator and Dashboard/Reporting server. In the case of the Dashboard/Reporting server, the Forwarder can add certain data elements as a custom resource to be used for the widget:


The current version creates three types of custom resources for each instance of the Forwarder, where Locale is the “Entity” and “Site” of each Forwarder:

  • Evtlog_<locale>

  • Perfmon_<locale>

  • Wbquery_<locale>

For each instance of a Forwarder there will be one Evtlog and Perfmon source and as many Wbquery sources as the database queries configured on the Forwarder.

This feature is designed to simplify the process of creating reports and Widgets based on the data that can be easily tabulated:
