Deploy and VM Installation Steps

Deploy and VM Installation Steps

  1. Download the OVA for your system to a directory accessible by the VM client.

  2. Deploy the OVA:

    Select the downloaded OVA file and choose a VM name.

  3. Select storage according to the recommended hardware specifications for the required configuration. See the VMWare Specification and Requirements for your system.

  4. Select network mappings according to the recommended hardware specifications for the required configuration. See the VMWare Specification and Requirements for your system.

  5. When you run the VM, you will see .lxp packages being installed. This takes a while.

  6. After all the packages are installed, the VM is automatically powered off.


    You will see the auto-poweroff message on the console.

  7. After the system boots, wait at the login: prompt until a banner with an About console display shows displaying values for the placeholders below:

          Hostname:  <hostname>
           Version:  <version>
             Theme:  <theme>
     Days Licensed:  nnnnn
    Days Remaining:  nnnnn
       Product Key:
           Website:  <website>
            Kernel:  Linux n.nn.nn-lxt-3 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    <hostname> login:
  8. At the login: prompt, log in as admin with password as the last 10 characters of the License: value, excluding the dash.


    Since the Licence key value is only displayed here. When you ssh in it will not be seen. Be sure to copy out your admin password from this console.

  9. After login, the Administration menu shows, as in the example below for DS9:

  10. Under Network Configuration, provide ip/netmask, default gateway and hostname.

    1. Under Interface Settings, set the IP Address and netmask in the format, for example: nn.nn.nn.nn/24 and save.


      Set up the default gateway under the Extra Routes menu.

    2. Set hostname


      The console will show the Updating hosts: message. Note that this setup takes a few minutes.

  11. When this setup completes, you can quit the Administration menu on the console and continue the configuration of your system through the GUI: