High Level Build process

High Level Build process

!include style.iuml
partition App {
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-app-Azure.html Locate Tenant ID ]];
  note right
    From Azure: Home > overview
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-app-Azure.html Create an app ]];
  note right
    registrations = Client ID
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-app-Azure.html Create secret in the app ]];
  note right
    certificates and secrets value = secret
  end note
:Load Docker and PowerShell to workstation;
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-user.html Create Global User on Azure AD ]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-send-email.html VOSS Requests access to container.  Send email. ]];
  note right
    Email address: support@voss-solutions.com
    Information: First Name, Last Name, Email address, Username
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-GUI-login-user-email-request.html VOSS sends welcome email to log in to their container. ]];
partition Container {
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-Azure-container-instance-spec.html Enter commands in PowerShell ]];
  note right
    docker logout azure
    docker login azure
    docker login layerxdocker.azurecr.io
     (use the credentials provided in your welcome email – previous step)
    add a context:
     docker context create aci [somename]
    Finally install:
     docker ~--context somename run -d ~--restart always ~--cpus 2 ~--memory 4G
      -p 5000:5000 layerxdocker.azurecr.io/microsoft-teams-debian:v3
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-Azure-container-instance-spec.html Take note container name created in PowerShell ]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-user.html#build-container Log in to Azure = container instances. Find container name in list. ]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-user.html#build-container Copy sandbox hostname ]];
  note right
    Containers > Connect
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-create-user.html#build-container Send sandbox name to VOSS to create login credentials ]];
  note right
    layerX ties up license to the container name.
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-GUI-login-user-email-request.html VOSS sends GUI Login User creds for the new container ]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-Azure-container-instance-spec.html Find public IP of the container, take note and enter into browser ]];
  note right
    Containers > overview > public IP address.
  end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-configuration-steps.html Use creds from second email to log in to GUI. ]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-MS-Teams/MS-configuration-steps.html Setup GUI to pull data and send to MS Teams. Enter Dashboard server. ]];