.. _deploy-vm-install: Deploy and VM Installation Steps -------------------------------- 1. Download the OVA for your system to a directory accessible by the VM client. #. Deploy the OVA: Select the downloaded OVA file and choose a VM name. .. image:: /src/images/insights-deploy-ova.png #. Select *storage* according to the recommended hardware specifications for the required configuration. See the *VMWare Specification and Requirements* for your system. #. Select *network* mappings according to the recommended hardware specifications for the required configuration. See the *VMWare Specification and Requirements* for your system. #. When you run the VM, you will see ``.lxp`` packages being installed. This takes a while. .. image:: /src/images/analytics-install-2.png #. After all the packages are installed, the VM is automatically powered off. .. image:: /src/images/insights-install-3.png You will see the ``auto-poweroff`` message on the console. #. After the system boots, wait at the ``login:`` prompt until a banner with an ``About`` console display shows displaying values for the placeholders below: :: About =============================================== Hostname: Version: Theme: Flavor: License: NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNN-NNNNN Days Licensed: nnnnn Days Remaining: nnnnn Product Key: Website: Kernel: Linux n.nn.nn-lxt-3 x86_64 GNU/Linux login: #. At the ``login:`` prompt, log in as ``admin`` with password as the last 10 characters of the ``License:`` value, *excluding the dash*. .. note:: Since the Licence key value is only displayed here. When you ssh in it will not be seen. Be sure to copy out your admin password from this console. #. After login, the **Administration** menu shows, as in the example below for DS9: .. image:: /src/images/insights-install-6.png #. Under **Network Configuration**, provide ip/netmask, default gateway and hostname. a. Under **Interface Settings**, set the IP Address and netmask in the format, for example: ``nn.nn.nn.nn/24`` and save. .. image:: /src/images/insights-install-7.png Set up the default gateway under the **Extra Routes** menu. .. image:: /src/images/insights-install-8.png b. Set hostname .. image:: /src/images/insights-install-9.png The console will show the ``Updating hosts:`` message. Note that this setup takes a few minutes. #. When this setup completes, you can quit the **Administration** menu on the console and continue the configuration of your system through the GUI: * Insights Dashboard .. raw:: html

See: VOSS Automate Database Setup

.. raw:: latex See the VOSS Automate Database Setup section in the VOSS Insights Install Guide. * Insights Arbitrator .. raw:: html

See: Install Arbitrator System

.. raw:: latex See the Install Arbitrator System section in the VOSS Insights Install Guide. * Insights DS9 .. raw:: html

See: DS9 Configuration on the Dashboard

.. raw:: latex See the DS9 Configuration on the Dashboard section in the VOSS Insights DS9 for NetFlow Install Guide.