What’s New by Document#
Core Feature Guide: Release 24.1-PB2#
EKB-21090: Improve Wingman query resolution and support for date range context. See: VOSS Wingman
Wingman docs updated for query date range.
EKB-21258: Add EmployeeId and EmployeeType to Microsoft Subscriber. See: Microsoft Subscribers
Updated Microsoft Subscriber topic for new MS 365 fields.
EKB-21314: Hide portal features (Transaction, Saved Search, Help, Alerts, Wingman) based on Access Profile. See: Alerts
Added notes for functionality hidden from the GUI unless the access profile has appropriate read permissions.
EKB-21314: Hide portal features (Transaction, Saved Search, Help, Alerts, Wingman) based on Access Profile. See: Introduction to the Admin Portal User Interface
Added notes for functionality hidden from the GUI unless the access profile has appropriate read permissions.
EKB-21314: Hide portal features (Transaction, Saved Search, Help, Alerts, Wingman) based on Access Profile. See: Transaction Logging and Audit
Added notes for functionality hidden from the GUI unless the access profile has appropriate read permissions.
EKB-21316: Add Subscriber from Profile hierarchy lookup filtering limit, like Quick Add Groups. See: Global Settings
Updated General Settings in Global Settings for the “Quick Add Group & Subscriber Profile lookup level” field.
EKB-21316: Add Subscriber from Profile hierarchy lookup filtering limit, like Quick Add Groups. See: Quick Add Subscriber (Cisco)
Updated General Settings in Global Settings for the “Quick Add Group & Subscriber Profile lookup level” field.
EKB-21650: Implement paging for Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment in msteamsonline/Number device model. See: Configure Microsoft Tenant Connection Parameters
Updated steps for configuring Microsoft tenant connection parameters.
Best Practices Guide: Release 24.1-PB2#
EKB-21314: Hide portal features (Transaction, Saved Search, Help, Alerts, Wingman) based on Access Profile. See: Navigation - Menu and Dashboards
Added notes for functionality hidden from the GUI unless the access profile has appropriate read permissions.
EKB-21928: Add or Update Microsoft Tenant hangs on creating the CSOL Auto Filter Model Instance Filter. See: Microsoft Sync Overview
Removed “Default Model Instance Filter for CsOnlineUsers” section in the Microsoft Sync Overview chapter for this feature.
Advanced Configuration Guide: Release 24.1-PB2#
EKB-21316: Add Subscriber from Profile hierarchy lookup filtering limit, like Quick Add Groups. See: Global Settings
Updated General Settings in Global Settings for the “Quick Add Group & Subscriber Profile lookup level” field.
EKB-21316: Add Subscriber from Profile hierarchy lookup filtering limit, like Quick Add Groups. See: Quick Add Group Functions
Updated General Settings in Global Settings for the “Quick Add Group & Subscriber Profile lookup level” field.
Provider HCS Dial Plan Management Support Guide: Release 24.1-PB2#
EKB-21316: Add Subscriber from Profile hierarchy lookup filtering limit, like Quick Add Groups. See: Global Settings
Updated General Settings in Global Settings for the “Quick Add Group & Subscriber Profile lookup level” field.