Process Command Details#
As highlighted in the overview, both the license counting and license audit report processes will automatically run regularly on a schedule. In the event a manual run of the license counting or license audit report process is required (adhoc data between schedules, or schedule failure), the commands can be run via the VOSS CLI.
This section provides additional details of actions and behavior of the processes as well the details of the commands to run them manually as needed.
License Counting process commands#
This will only update the license counts captured
) and visible in the admin portal
About > License Counts menu. If you want to generate the
license audit report, then that process will also need
to be run.
When the command runs (either manual or via schedule) the following behavior is invoked:
An entry will exist in the counts for each customer in the system - the count record is created at the customer level in the hierarchy. That record is updated during each run of the audit while new records are created for any new customers since the last audit. The record is removed when the customer is removed from the product.
Any resources (Users, devices, etc) above the customer level will be captured in an entry at the provider level then handled similarly to the customer record above.
An error will be generated if no provider or customer hierarchy exists in the system
There is a “cool down” period of 3 minutes during which the command cannot be re-run.
There is a time-out period of 120 minutes after which a running command execution will stop - for situations where an error occurs. A log entry is also added in this case.
To run this command via the platform CLI:
voss license-audit-counting [--from-hierarchy-pkid <optional hierarchy pkid>]
You can optionally provide a hierarchy pkid for the license counting process to run at (e.g for a specific customer, or reseller and its customers).For instance
voss license-audit-counting --from-hierarchy-pkid 64d409101a27f48dbce445b7
In this case, only the customer record(s) under the hierarchy with the
pkid 64d409101a27f48dbce445b7
will be processed. This is useful if you
are testing or only need to update a specific hierarchy level between
Example oputput:
$ voss license-audit-counting
Executing the License Audit counting service...
The License Audit counting command took '7.3950326209997' seconds to execute.
The License Audit counting service completed successfully.
License Audit Reporting process commands#
This will only export to file the current license counts captured
) and visible in the admin portal
About > License Counts menu. If you want to update the counts before you
generate the export file, then the license count process should be run
Since a data export can take time, the voss export command can
only be run in a screen
session. First run screen and
then voss export and its parameters.
To run this command via the platform CLI:
voss export type license_audit_legacy
When the command runs (either manual or via schedule) the behavior is as outlined in License audit report in terms of generating and handling the files.
Example output:
$ voss export type license_audit_legacy
Starting license_audit export_legacy, please wait...
Completed license_audit export, created, vlf_CS-P_VOSS_detailed_legacy_2024-02-21_0553.csv.