Delete a phone#
This API DELETE call deletes a phone.
DELETE https://<hostname>/api/api/relation/SubscriberPhone/{Removal_Phone_PKID}
Where {Removal_Phone_PKID}
is the ID of the phone to delete.
Using relation/SubscriberPhone/{Removal_Phone_PKID}#
Using this API call involves the following tasks:
Identify the customer and the customer’s hierarchy.
Fetch all details of the phone to be deleted.
Step 1: Identify Customer+Customer Hierarchy#
Fetch the list of customers to populate a drop-down list, and allow the user to select a customer from the list.
<Customer Name>
Refer to (GET) Customers
Fetch available hierarchies for the selected customer (
<Customer Name>
<Customer Hierarchy>
.<Customer Hierarchy>
is the entry in the earlier step that ends with the<Customer Name>
.For example, if
<Customer Name>
is Innovia, the<Customer Hierarchy>
will besys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Innovia
Step 2: Fetch all details of the phone to be deleted#
(at Customer hierarchy) to fetch all phones belonging to the customer.User selects the phone to be deleted.
Resolve the phone PKID of the selected phone, to
There is no callback for DELETE. You will need to execute a GET call containing data from the payload to confirm the status of the call, for example:
GET https://<hostname>/api/tool/Transaction/9095e5a2-6b62-45f8-abbb-93bd908a8bef/
See the response sample output for this DELETE call in the OpenAPI example for relation/SubscriberPhone/{Removal_Phone_PKID}