Add or Update Certificates

Users can now update SSL Certificates and SSL keys from the Admin console menu.


Add Certificates

To add your own certificate, you will need both the certificate and private key.

  1. SSH to the system using admin account

  2. Select Network Configuration

  3. Select Apache Certs

  4. Select Insert Cert

  5. Paste in customer certificate

    A certificate has the following header and footer

  6. Select Insert Private Key

  7. Paste in customer private key

    A private key has the following header and footer

  8. Select Display Cert Details to view certificate details.

  9. Select Back and exit the menu.

  10. Refresh the browser. The system should be using the new certificate.

Update Certificates

If you want to generate a new unsigned certificate or to reset a certificate and private key:

  1. SSH to the system using admin account

  2. Select Network Configuration

  3. Select Apache Certs

  4. Select Generate New Unsigned Cert

  5. When prompted, fill in the information requested.

  6. Select Back and exit the menu.

  7. Refresh browser. The system should be using the new unsigned certificate.