Working with Dashboards

View Dashboards

To access the DASHBOARDS panel, click the hamburger icon to expand the panel displaying a list of the available default and custom dashboards.


Folders and dashboards display only if search definitions have been performed. You will need to create search definitions to view these items.

Define Dashboard Time Frame

Select a dashboard to define its date/timeframe (the period for which data displays), which defaults to 24 hours.

Click on the date drop-down at the top-right of the screen to open the calendar, along with a list of pre-set time frames (for example, Last 5 minutes, Last 30 Minutes, Last Hour). Scroll through and select the date/timeframe that you want to include on the dashboard.


An option is available to toggle between Local time and UTC time in the display.

Note that, as with the search definition, the more time selected the more data to analyze thus time to render the widgets is based on the time frame selected and the amount of data to pull.

Add a Dashboard

To create a new dashboard from the DASHBOARD panel, click the Plus (+) icon analytics-create-new-dashboard-icon to open the Dashboard Editor.

Fill out details for the new dashboard, and click Save.

Now you will need to create resource definitions and widgets to use in your dashboard.

Clone a Dashboard

Cloning a dashboard creates a copy of an existing dashboard, which you can rename and edit to create a new dashboard.


The VOSS Reference Dashboards are read-only. You can clone a reference dashboard then edit the clone to suit your requirements.

Click the System Configuration icon on the toolbar (wrench icon) to open the System Configuration menu, then select Clone Dashboard to open the Dashboard Editor with a copy of the dashboard.

Change the dashboard name and click Save. The new dashboard you created (copy of an existing dashboard) opens. Now you can edit the dashboard widgets.


Edit Dashboard

Click the System Configuration icon on the toolbar (wrench icon) to open the System Configuration menu, then select Edit Dashboard to open the page where you can edit the dashboard name as required.


The VOSS Reference Dashboards are read-only. You can clone a reference dashboard then edit the clone to suit your requirements.

Additionally, you can set the refresh interval by clicking on the drop-down menu and choosing the interval. This will determine how often the system refreshes the data from the database.

Click Save button to save your changes.


Add a Widget to a Dashboard

Click the System Configuration icon on the toolbar (wrench icon) to open the System Configuration menu, then select Add Widget to open the Add Widget dialog, with the following options:

  • Generic Chart: to choose a chart and pull in data from the resource definitions.

  • Rich Text: add HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks.

See “Widget Editor” for details on how to build the widget.


Position Widgets on a Dashboard

Click the System Configuration icon on the toolbar (wrench icon) to open the System Configuration menu, then select Position Widgets to place the dashboard in a mode that allows you to move the widgets around the page and resize the boxes.

When you hover over a widget a corner symbol appears in the bottom right corner. Grab that corner to drag and resize the box. To move the entire widget just grab the widget anywhere and drag it to the desired location. When complete be sure you click Update in the top right corner to save the new dashboard positioning.


Move a Dashboard

Select a dashboard you wish to move, then click the wrench icon to display the System Configuration menu, and choose Move Dashboard to display the tree of all folders defined in the system.

Click on the folder to which you want to move the dashboard.


Delete a Dashboard

Click the System Configuration icon on the toolbar (wrench icon) to open the System Configuration menu, then select Delete Dashboard to delete the dashboard and remove it from the menu.


This does not delete the extraction definitions. You will need to go to the search screen for this function.
