View Subscribers

In the Business Admin Portal you can view and manage subscribers and services in the Subscriber lists and on the Subscriber dashboard.


  • To view multi vendor subscribers, your user role must be assigned a a Business Admin Portal profile enabled for multi vendor, and multi vendor must be appropriately configured for your system.

  • In a Microsoft-only environment, you can configure the Business Admin Portal for Microsoft-only user roles, as follows:

    • Configure the MS Only Business Admin Portal profile to use the Microsoft-only field display policy (default: MS_Only_FDP)
    • Assign the MS Only Business Admin Portal profile to user roles that will be used only for the Business Admin Portal.

    See Business Admin Portal Profiles in the Core Feature Guide.

Subscribers List

The Subscribers list view in the Business Admin Portal provides a summary view of subscriber services, from a MACD perspective, and displays:

  • All users from a given hierarchy and down (Reseller, Provider, Customer, or Site)
  • A Services column, with icons representing the user’s currently provisioned services (tooltips describe the service types and provisioning vendors).

The table describes the Services column icons on the Business Admin Portal Subscribers summary list:

Icon Description
bap-multi-vendor-phone-icon Phones icon.
bap-multi-vendor-voicemail-icon Voicemail icon.
bap-multi-vendor-conferencing-icon Conferencing icon.
bap-multi-vendor-collaboration-icon Collaboration icon.
bap-multi-vendor-contact-center-icon Contact Center Express icon.

Subscriber Dashboard

The subscriber dashboard in the Business Admin Portal displays user details, quick actions, and service cards that provide a detailed view of services provisioned to the subscriber, including vendor information.

To access a subscriber’s dashboard:

  1. Click Subscribers in the left menu (default menu) to open the Subscribers landing page.
  2. Click the Subscribers count card to view the list of all subscribers.
  3. Click on a subscriber in the list to open the subscriber’s dashboard.

From the dashboard, provided your role has appropriate permissions at the hierarchy, you can:

  • View and edit subscriber details
  • View and edit subscriber services, which display in a card layout (one card per service)
  • Access quick actions for the subscriber (based on settings enabled at the hierarchy, installed devices/services, and specific to the vendor services available to the user)
  • Initiate MACDs, per service
  • Define the extension to use as primary line


The service cards that display on the Subscriber dashboard in the Business Admin Portal are defined via field display policies. Devices and services should be installed, and the user should be enabled for the relevant vendor services. For example, only Cisco-related quick actions and service cards display if the user only has Cisco services, and the same for Microsoft-only subscribers. For multi vendor users with services from two or more vendors (for example, Microsoft and Cisco), the service cards specify vendor information.

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