Administrator User Interface

The Business Administration Portal (BAP) interface menus and functionality is defined as an interface type in VOSS-4-UC, along with the required role-based access.


The menus, features, and functionality described in this topic is based on the default interface type shipped with the VOSS-4-UC product. Your system administrator may have customized a Business Admin Portal Custom Interface for your organization. The look and feel, and the availability of features and dashboards is defined via the interface type selected for your access role, and field display policies.

Refer to the Core Feature Guide for details.

The main interface is divided into three functional areas:

  1. Toolbar
  2. Menus
  3. Dashboards (either the home page, service dashboard, menu landing page, or lists)


Related topics


The table describes options on the Business Admin Portal toolbar:

Company brand and menu labels toggle

Displays your company brand as well as a Toggle switch to show/hide the side menu labels.

Set to ‘<’ to show the labels, else set to ‘>’ to hide the labels.

Organization (hierarchy) selection

A pop-up allowing you to navigate to a specific level in the organization, for example, to provider, customer, or site level.

The ability to select the organization level means you can view and manage resources and services at any level of the hierarchy.

When working in the interface, the hierarchy level you’re at remains visible at all times. For details, see Navigate Organizations.

Search icon Define search criteria to search for specific items in the system. For details, see Run a Seach.
Transaction log icon

Opens the Transaction page, which lists the most recent transactions in your system.

See: View Transactions.

Messages icon Opens Messages, which lists recent notification messages and transactions, including last login details, and a link to the transaction log.
Application mode icon Allows you to toggle between the VOSS-4-UC Administration interface and the Business Admin Portal (provided you have access to both interfaces).

A drop-down menu providing access to the following information and settings:

  • Log in account details
  • Account Settings - Displays your user details, such as username, email address, or last login details.
  • Quick Actions - Provides shortcuts to actions such as change password, or sign out.
  • Preferences - Allows you to change the default application mode to either Administration or Business Administration (providing you have access to both interfaces).
  • About - displays release and version details
  • Sign out
Home icon Click the Home button to go to the Business Admin Portal home page for your hierarchy level.
Navigation breadcrumb A navigation path adjacent to the Home button allows you to move to other areas of the system, based on your current location. For example, to go from an instance view (such as view subscriber) to a list of those instances (such as the subscriber list).
Help Opens the system online help.

Home page

When logging in to the Business Admin Portal, the Home page is the first page you see. The Home page provides a summary view of your entire system, and includes:


Cards displaying the total number of sites, users (subscribers), or phones, at the current hierarchy level (for example, at customer or site level).

You can click in the counter to go to the relevant menu landing page.

Quick Actions Links to common tasks, such as View Subscribers, Add Subscriber, View Phones, Add Phone, Reset Pin/Password, Login User/Phone, and Logout Phone.
Saved Searches Links to a list of your saved searches.
MACDs Per Day

A graph indicating the number of move, add, and delete transactions performed at the specified hierarchy, in the past week.

Graphs display only when there is available data.


The following notification types display on the home page:

  • Session expiry notification:

    Displays alert message (“Your session will expire in <n> seconds.”) when the Idle Session Timeout (minutes) value in the credential policy associated with your user role is reached.

    Click Stay Logged In to continue your session. For details, see topics on credential policies and session timeouts in the Core Feature Guide.

  • Missing required fields:

    The system alerts you if you’re attempting to submit a form with missing required data.