Replace a Phone¶
To replace a phone:
Log in as Site administrator or higher.
The Replace Phone feature is only available at a site hierarchy node.
Choose Subscriber Management > Replace Phone. A pop-up window opens to navigate to the site at which the phone is to be replaced.
On the Existing Phone tab:
Choose the Device Name of the phone that you want to replace.
The Product, Device Protocol, Phone Button Template, and other values are shown automatically as read-only values.
On the Replacement Phone tab:
If you choose a Phone (Configuration) Template, all other fields available on the Replacement Phone tab are redundant. Even if certain fields are populated, the Phone Template values override them.
- Enter the Device Name of the replacement phone (mandatory).
- Choose a Phone Template (optional) for the replacement phone if you want to override the attributes copied from the original phone and the manual settings below.
- Choose the Product (phone model) of the replacement phone (mandatory). Note that if the existing phone was associated with an entitlement profile, then the replacement Product drop-down only displays phone types that are allowed by the entitlement profile.
- Choose the Device Protocol (mandatory).
- Choose a Phone Button Template value for the replacement phone, if one is available (optional).
- Choose the Security Profile for the replacement phone (mandatory).
- Enter a Description for the phone (optional).
- Click Save.