VOSS Phones

From the Subscriber Management > VOSS Phones menu item (default), phones are associated with the VOSS Phone Server (see: VOSS Phone Server Overview and Managing VOSS Phone Servers)

  • Vendor: all vendors configured in the library of phone types are offered. See also: Adding phone types.
  • Model: the phone model is selected. See also: Adding phone types.
  • Number of Lines: available number is chosen.

These parameters are used to determine the template to use when creating the phone configuration file on the TFTP server.

  • Phone MAC Address: required, with no vendor prefix as would be used with CUCM. E.g use 123412341234, not SEP123412341234.
  • Group: is selected. This represents the SIP realm to use for registration. Typically there will be a single realm or group for a customer, although more advanced configuration is possible and may be added to the Phone Server.
  • Line: each line has the following parameters:
    • Number: The directory number from number inventory. Numbers can exist on Phone server phones or CUCM phones, but not both.
    • Display Name: The display name for presentation when making a call
    • Busy trigger: As per CUCM phones
    • Max Calls: As per CUCM phones
    • Class of service: This is the class of server as created by the CUCM dialplan. CoS is enforced on CUCM when using HCS mode.