Creating DDIs for Voice Mail Pilot Numbers¶
Before You Begin¶
To create a DDI for a voice mail pilot number, perform the following steps on VOSS-4-UC. The voice mail pilot number must be created before performing this procedure. See Define a Voicemail Pilot Number.
Log in to VOSS-4-UC as a Provider, Reseller, or Customer administrator.
Use the breadcrumbs to navigate to the customer hierarchy node that contains the voice mail pilotnumber.
Select Device Management > CUCM > Route Patterns.
Select Add.
Create a new route pattern instance with the following information:
On the Pattern Definition tab, complete the following item:.
CUCM: Select the appropriate Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster for this route pattern. This should be the cluster on which you created the voice mail pilot.
Route Pattern: +<E.164 number>: Enter an appropriate DDI number.
Route Partition: Cu<customerId>-E164LookUp-PT
Route List: From the drop-down, choose the appropriate route list for the target voice mail pilot number. The pilot number will be in the route list name. Example:
Cu<customerId>-<voicemail service name><targetVM pilot number>-RL, Cu5-TestVmService1000-RL
On the Called Party Transforms tab, enter a pilot number in the Called Party Transform Mask field; for example, 1000.
Select Save.
Repeat these steps for each voice mail pilot number.
This route pattern needs to be deleted from Device Management > CUCM > Route Patterns before the voice mail pilot can be deleted. This is because this new route pattern will still reference the pilot-specific route list, causing the voice mail pilot number delete workflow to fail. If this occurs, delete the route pattern and attempt to delete the voice mail pilot again.