Audit Number Inventory


You cannot run Audit Number Inventory if number management has been disabled for the customer (see Create and Modify a Customer).

This feature performs an audit of the number inventory and makes sure that the Status and Usage of each number aligns to the devices or services configured with these matching numbers. See Number Status and Usage for more details about these values.

The audit will create new numbers for devices or services that don’t already exist, as well as update existing number entries to make sure the Status and Usage fields reflect the correct information at the time the audit is run. Number entries will not be deleted.

!include style.iuml

while (Number Management enabled for customer? [default] ) is (No)
  :[[../src/user/create-customer.html Enable Number Management]];
endwhile (Yes)
:Choose Audit Number Inventory option;
note right
  * Customer (not available for customers with Site Location Code-based dial plans)
  * Site

end note

Specify where you want to run and create a new number inventory:

  • Customer

    • Running the number inventory audit at Customer level will add directory numbers at Customer level for services which exist at Site or Customer, provided there is not already a directory number for that service at Site level. If there are already directory numbers at the Site level then those will also get updated.

      This is a mixed mode of audit, which audits directory numbers at both Customer and Site level. For example, if directory numbers only exist at Customer level, then the audit will only add and update directory numbers that exist at the Customer. If there are directory numbers at Site level, the audit will still add new directory numbers at the Customer level, but will also update the existing directory numbers at Site level.

  • Site

    • Running the number inventory audit at Site level will add directory numbers at site level, and update any existing directory numbers at site level only. No Customer level directory numbers will be audited and no directory numbers will be added to Customer level for Customer level services.

    • You can choose to audit either All the Sites for the Customer or selected Sites.

For sites using Site Location Code-based dial plans, number inventories can be created only at the site hierarchy, the customer hierarchy will not be available.

From the Number Inventory form (default menu Number Management > Number Inventory), you can see a list of internal numbers and move, delete, and export them as desired.