VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync

When using VOSS-4-UC with Microsoft (as a single or multiple vendor deployment scenario), you’ll need to pre-configure several settings in VOSS-4-UC before importing Microsoft users, licenses, policies, and dialplans.

The flowchart sets out the initial configuration of VOSS-4-UC for Microsoft services.


'VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync Flowchart
!include style.iuml

 note right: Prerequisite is Microsoft configuration
:[[../src/user/concepts-hierarchy.html Hierarchy setup]];
note right
 * Create customers for tenant setup
 * [[../src/user/concepts-site-defaults-doc-templates.html CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE SDD]] created
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-global-settings.html Global Settings]];
note right
 * Enable Microsoft
 * Enforce HCS Dialplan Rules:No
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-role-based-access.html Role Based Access Control]];
note right
 * [[../src/user/create-user.html Add MS admin users]]
 * [[../src/user/role-management.html Add MS roles]], [[../src/user/tasks-menu-layout.html menu layout]]
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-SMTP-server.html SMTP server]];
note right: Allows emails to user in QAS
:[[../src/user/tasks-configure-ms-tenant.html Tenant setup]];
note right
 * requires [[../src/user/tasks-ms-configuration-setup.html Microsoft Authentication Setup]]
 * Enter PowerShell proxy details
 * Enter MS Teams admin credentials
 * Enter MS 365 IDs, keys
end note
-> Tenant data syncs on save;
:[[../src/user/concepts-network-device-list.html Network Device Lists (NDL)]];
note right: Add NDL with Tenant details
if (Using Flow-through?) then (NO)
 note left
 Creates default
 * Syncs
 * Schedules
end note
-> Customer level;
:[[../src/user/ms-tenant-dialplan.html Tenant Dialplan]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/ms-teams-policies.html Policies]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/concepts-ms-licenses.html Licenses]];
fork again
:MS Users;
end fork
else (YES)
:[[../src/user/concepts-sync-with-flow-through-for-microsoft.html Go to Sync with Flow Through]];
:[[../src/user/concepts-user-move-for-microsoft.html Go to Microsoft User Move Configuration]];