Add and Edit Roles

Provider administrators can manage the roles that are available for administrators, operators, and users at lower levels in the hierarchy.


References to HCM-F and Shared Data Repository (SDR) are only relevant if installed.

Edit an Existing Role

To edit an existing role:

  1. Log in as provider administrator.
  2. Go to Role Management > Roles.
  3. Locate the role you want to change; then, click on the role to open it.
  4. Update the role settings, as required.
  5. Save your changes.

Add a New Role

To add a new role:

  1. Log in as provider administrator.
  2. Choose Role Management > Roles.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Define role settings:
Setting Description
Name* Name of the role. This field is mandatory.
Hcs Component Access* Controls which HCM-F components (FF or SA) that users with this role have access to. Used with Hierarchy Type and Service Assurance Role Type when mapping roles to HCM-F. This field is mandatory.
Service Assurance Role Type* Controls read/write access to HCM-F components. Used with Hierarchy Type and Hcs Component Access when mapping roles to HCM-F. This field is mandatory.
Hierarchy Type* The type of hierarchy nodes applicable at the selected hierarchy level. For example, at Provider level, the following values are allowed: Provider, Reseller, Customer, and Site. While at the Reseller level, the following values are allowed: Reseller, Customer, Site. Controls which roles are available at which levels in the hierarchy. Also used with Hcs Component Access and Service Assurance Role Type when mapping roles to HCM-F. This field is mandatory.
Description Description of the role.
Access Profile* Permissions for resources are defined in Access Profiles. This field is mandatory.
Menu Layout The menu layout assigned to the role. Controls the menu options available to users assigned to the role.
Landing Page The home page assigned with the role. Controls what the home page looks like for users assigned to the role.
Theme* The name of the theme assigned to the role. The theme controls the overall look and feel of the Admin Portal. This field is mandatory.
Self Service Feature Display Policy The selected Self Service Feature Display Policy that is associated to the role.
Self Service Links Provide useful links to Self Service end users.
Custom Interfaces Add Interface Types and Names for the role. The available custom Interface Type is InterfaceBusinessAdminPortal, which provides access to the Business Portal Admin Portal. Choose profile MS Only for admins to manage Microsoft subscribers in the Business Admin Portal.
  1. Click Save to save the role.