.. _VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

VOSS-4-UC Configuration and Sync

.. _21.1|VOSS-847:

When using VOSS-4-UC with Microsoft (as a single or multiple vendor deployment scenario), you'll need 
to pre-configure several settings in VOSS-4-UC before importing Microsoft users, licenses, policies, and 

The flowchart sets out the initial configuration of VOSS-4-UC for Microsoft services. 


* :ref:`concepts-ms-configuration`

.. include:: VOSS-4-UC-configuration-and-sync.uml

Workflow for the VOSS-4-UC and Microsoft Configuration and Sync
The high-level workflow for the steps in the flowchart are as follows:  

1. Log in to VOSS-4-UC as a provider admin. 
2. Add customers.   

#. Go to **Customizations > Global Settings** to enable Microsoft:  

   * On the **Enabled Services** tab, enable Microsoft services. 
   * If you have a Microsoft-only environment, on the **Number 
     Inventory** tab, set the following to *No* (False): **Enforce HCS Dialplan Rules** 
     .. note:: 
       HSC dialplan is relevant only when using Cisco (in a single vendor or multi vendor installation).  

#. Configure role-based access controls to apply to users on import: 
   VOSS-4-UC allows an admin user to set up pre-defined role-based configuration, which will 
   be applied to users on import. This allows users to be auto-provisioned on import, with the 
   correct services, lines, policies, and licenses. 
   When preparing for import, you'll need to create the admin users, service profiles, user 
   roles, and role-based menu layouts (to hide or display 
   functionality for different categories of users. For example, you can assign a Microsoft-only 
   Business Admin Portal profile and Microsoft-only FDP to user roles for the Business 
   Admin Portal in a Microsoft-only scenario. See Business Admin Portal Profiles in the Core 
   Feature Guide for details. 
   * Add an admin user. See :ref:`create_a_user`.
   * Configure menu layouts, See :ref:`create_a_menu_layout`.
   * Add user roles, and choose menu layouts for the roles. See :ref:`role_management`.
   * Configure a SMTP server, if required. See :ref:`SMTP-server`.

#. Configure a tenant, one for each customer. See :ref:`tasks-configure-ms-tenant`

   The tenant configuration defines how VOSS-4-UC connects to the Microsoft Cloud, to allow syncing of 
   data between VOSS-4-UC and Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, and Microsoft Teams. Saving the tenant 
   creates the default syncs and schedules. 

#. Configure the network device lists (NDLs), which are required creating the sites. See :ref:`configure_network_device_list`

#. Go to the Tenant and click **Action > Sync All** to run a full pull sync. 

   The tenant dialplan, policies, licenses, and Microsoft users are synced to the customer level. 

   .. note:: 

      If you're using flow through provisioning for Microsoft users, additional steps are required 
      before running the initial sync. See :ref:`sync-with-flow-through-for-microsoft`

Next Steps

* Move users to the sites. See :ref:`user-move-for-microsoft`

Related Topics

  .. raw:: latex

     Microsoft Overview in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-microsoft-overview.html">Microsoft Overview</a> 

  .. raw:: latex

     Sync with Flow Through in the Core Feature Guide

  .. raw:: html
     <a href="concepts-sync-with-flow-through-for-microsoft.html">Sync with Flow Through</a>