VOSS Insights 23.2 Documentation

What's New

Insights General Reference Documentation

These documents are relevant for all Insights solutions.

Document Description PDF
Insights Compatibility Matrix VOSS Insights Application compatibility, including tested browser and VM versions.
Insights Release Notes Latest release notes for all Insights solutions
Dashboard API Guide API reference document for Insights Dashboard.
Arbitrator API Guide API reference document for Insights Arbitrator.
VOSS Insights Platform Guide A guide to VOSS Insights platform commands.
Open Source License Usage Open source licenses used in Insights solutions.
Insights Security Outlines security practices for Insights products and summarizes current vulnerability scan reports.

Insights Solution Documentation

Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
DS9 for NetFlow Install Guide Guide to DS9 for NetFlow deployment, including VM installation steps, instructions for the DS9 for NetFlow product registration, and how to prepare a production environment for VOSS NetFlow.
Insights Netflow System Function Validation Steps Steps to validate that the DS9 system is functioning properly.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Insights Analytics Install Guide Guide to Dashboard download and setup instructions for installation, port requirements, sizing, cloud installs, and licensing. Includes DS9 for NetFlow communication ports (firewall port requirements), cloud install specifications, deploy and VM install steps, download steps for Dashboard OVA file for new installs or upgrades, port requirements, VM sizing specifications, cloud install specifications, Dashboard install steps, and Arbitrator cloud install specifications.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Arbitrator Install Guide Guide to Arbitrator download instructions for new installs and upgrades, upgrade steps, port requirement, VM and Cloud sizing and install steps, instructions for deployment, networking, database, and system setup, how to add certificates, and CUCM asset onboarding.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Dashboard Administration Guide Guide for Dashboard licensing, use and configuration.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Arbitrator Administration Guide Guide for installing Arbitrator license files, system configuration and use, and backup and restore steps.
Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide Guide to Dashboard and Arbitrator backup, upgrade, and post-upgrade steps, and Dashboard licensing instructions. (Only Dashboard steps are relevant for DS9 NetFlow)
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
How to configure a Cisco ISR router to send Netflow v5 data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator Steps for configuring a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator using v5.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
How to configure a Cisco ISR router to send Netflow v9 or IPFIX data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator Steps for configuring a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator using v9 or IPFIX.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Avaya Integration Guide to integrating Avaya (optional component) with Insights Arbitrator for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Cisco Expressway Integration Guide to integrating Cisco Expressway for monitoring setup (optional component) with Insights Arbitrator for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
UC Apps License Sync Guide Guide to integrating with VOSS Automate (optional component), describing how to sync UC app licensing data with VOSS Automate, for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Cisco Unified CM Syslog Receiver Guide to configuring Cisco Unified Syslog Receiver in Arbitrator with VOSS Assurance as receiver, for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Cisco PRI and SIP Performance Monitoring Overview of the probes used by Arbitrator to monitor Cisco Voice Gateway PRIs and SIP trunks, and CUCM SIP trunk analysis, for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Windows Forwarder Install Guide Guide to installing and configuring Windows Forwarder (optional component) for the Insights Analytics solution.