Set up the PowerShell Proxy Server#


This procedure configures the PowerShell proxy server for Microsoft Teams and (optionally) for Microsoft Exchange Online.


You can set up a new PowerShell proxy server, or use an existing one.

Task overview (as shown in the diagram):

  1. Step 1: Create a Server-local Service Account

  2. Step 2: Run a script on the PowerShell proxy

  3. Step 3: (Optional): Enable OpenSSH

  4. Step 4: (Optional) Configure the PowerShell Proxy for Redundancy

  5. Step 5: (Optional) Configure the Outbound Internet Proxy

  6. Step 6: Install Software Management Components

  7. Step 7: (Optional) Install the Microsoft ExchangeOnlineManagement Module


  • You must have local Administrator privileges on the PowerShell Proxy server.

  • A single PowerShell server can be used by multiple tenants, with or without Microsoft Exchange.

'Set up PowerShell Proxy (MS Teams)
!include style.iuml
:[[../src/user/pshell-proxy-setup.html#step-3-create-server-local-service-account Create server-local service account]];
:[[../src/user/pshell-proxy-setup.html#step-1-run-a-script-on-the-powershell-proxy Run a script on the PowerShell Proxy]];
:[[../src/user/pshell-proxy-setup.html#step-2-optional-enable-openssh (Optional) Enable OpenSSH]];
:[[../src/user/pshell-proxy-setup.html#step-4-optional-configure-powershell-proxy-for-redundancy (Optional) Configure the PowerShell proxy for redundancy]];
:[[../src/user/pshell-proxy-setup.html#step-5-optional-configure-the-outbound-internet-proxy (Optional) Configure the outbound internet proxy]];
:[[../src/user/pshell-proxy-setup.html#step-6-install-software-management-components Install software management components]];
:[[../src/user/test-tenant-connection.html#test-the-connection-from-powershell-to-microsoft-teams Test connection from PowerShell to the tenant (MS Teams)]];
:[[(Optional) Install the MS Exchange Online module]];

Before you start

Related Topics

Step 1: Microsoft UC Application Setup

Step 1: Create a Server-local Service Account#

VOSS Automate must use a server-local service account for accessing the PowerShell Proxy server. It must not be a domain account (should the server be domain-joined).

This task is mandatory.

  1. Create a local service account with the following properties:

    Account Type

    Local Computer Account (not a domain account)

    Local Group Membership

    • Administrators

    • Remote Management Users

  2. Sign out of the server, then sign back in using the credentials for the service account you just created. Perform the remainder of the tasks in this section using this account.

Step 2: Run a script on the PowerShell proxy#

VOSS provides a script that you will need to run on the PowerShell proxy server. This script allows Automate to deploy certificates to the Windows server.

Run the provided script on the Windows server to configure the PowerShell proxy so that Automate is able to deploy certificates to the Windows server.

Copy the script to c:\VOSS on the Windows server, and run it using a PowerShell prompt, such as the following, where service_account_name must be replaced as needed:

PS C:\voss> .\conf_proxy_task.ps1 -service_account_name WSMan-svc


A certificate must be installed on the PowerShell server, the public key must be uploaded to the app reregistration, and the thumbprint must be copied - you can use an existing generated certificate, if available.

You won’t need to copy the thumbprint if the certificate is only installed on the Windows PowerShell server and not on Automate.

Step 3: (Optional): Enable OpenSSH#

Although this is an optional step, it is highly recommended that you enable the OpenSSH feature of Windows 2019 or greater in order to improve file transfer performance from Automate to the Windows server.


OpenSSH is manually enabled on the Windows server to allow VOSS Automate to copy Call Queue and Auto Attendant audio files using SCP. See: Call Queues and Auto Attendants.

Enabling OpenSSH speeds up the process of copying certificates, audio files, and other such content to the PowerShell proxy.

Step 4: (Optional) Configure the PowerShell Proxy for Redundancy#

This procedure adds a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to the local hosts file on each PowerShell Proxy server you’re deploying. Each PowerShell Proxy server must be able to address itself with the FQDN corresponding to the load balancer’s virtual IP address.


This task is only required if you’re deploying multiple PowerShell Proxy servers behind a load balancer. If you do not have any concerns around redundancy, you can skip this task.

  1. On each of the PowerShell Proxy servers, open an elevated PowerShell window, and issue the following command:

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  2. In the Notepad window, uncomment the line (delete the hash) and append the FQDN of the load balancer virtual IP:

    # Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
    # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
    # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
    # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
    # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
    # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
    # space.
    # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
    # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
    # For example:
    # # source server
    # # x client host
    # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
    # ::1 localhost

Step 5: (Optional) Configure the Outbound Internet Proxy#

This procedure configures a PowerShell Proxy server to use an outbound Internet proxy.


This step is only required if your deployment is using an outbound Internet proxy to access the public Internet (including Microsoft tenants).


  • If the outbound Internet proxy requires authentication, you will need to obtain those credentials and configure them in VOSS Automate (as described in the Core Feature Guide). The credentials are not configured directly on the PowerShell Proxy server.

Perform these steps:

  1. Sign into the PowerShell Proxy server using the local service account that VOSS Automate will use to connect to the proxy.

  2. Open Windows Settings and go to Network & Internet > Proxy.

  3. Under Manual proxy setup enable Use a proxy server.

  4. In the Address field, fill out the IP address or FQDN of the outbound Internet proxy server.

  5. In the Port field, fill out the port number required by the proxy.


    The port is typically 3128, but your organization may require a different port.

  6. Select Don’t use the proxy server for local (intranet) addresses, then click Save.


    This is a per-user configuration, so ensure you sign in using the VOSS Automate service account.

  7. To make this configuration the default setting for all HTTP clients, open an elevated PowerShell session, and issue the following command:

    netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

Step 6: Install Software Management Components#

This procedure installs software components on a PowerShell Proxy server:

Before you start

The Install-Module command used in Step 6.2: Install Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module downloads the specified PowerShell module from the PowerShell Gallery (an online repository).

Since the PowerShell Gallery has deprecated the use of TLS versions earlier than TLS 1.2, you will need to force Windows PowerShell to use TLS 1.2, which will allow the Install-Module command to work correctly. TLS 1.2 is the default in Windows Server 2019 and later. If you’re using an earlier release of Windows Server, use the following command to force PowerShell to use TLS 1.2:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

The command is relevant only for the current PowerShell session (its effect persists only until you close the PowerShell window and end the session). Errors such as the following when using the Install-Module command are likely the result of a TLS version mismatch: “Unable to resolve package source”, “No match was found…”

Step 6.1: Install .NET Framework 4.8#

  1. Browse to

  2. Navigate to the download for .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime, or do an Internet search for “.NET Framework 4.8 download”.


    Ensure you only download from a URL ending in “”. The authenticity of software downloaded from third-party websites cannot be guaranteed.

  3. Download and run the .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime installer.


    Once the installation completes, you may need to reboot the server.

Step 6.2: Install Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module#

There are two options for installing the MS Teams PowerShell module, depending on whether you’re upgrading PowerShell proxies that have already been deployed, or if you’re installing the MS Teams PowerShell module on a new PowerShell proxy:


Starting with VOSS Automate version 21.4-PB3, the required MS Teams PowerShell module is v5.6.0. If you notice errors with this version, check with VOSS around using an alternative version.

  1. Install the MS Teams PowerShell module. Choose an option:


      If you’re upgrading any existing PowerShell proxy servers that have already been deployed, perform these steps (on each PowerShell proxy server) to use the supported version of the MS Teams module:

      • Exit any existing PowerShell and PowerShell ISE windows.

      • From an elevated (run as Administrator) PowerShell window:

        Stop-Service WinRM
        Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams
        Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 5.6.0 -AllowClobber
        Start-Service WinRM
      • Verify the version you’re using, (e.g. 5.6.0):

        Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name MicrosoftTeams

      If you’re installing the MS Teams PowerShell module on a new PowerShell proxy, run the following command from an elevated PowerShell session:

      Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 5.6.0
  2. Test the connection to the MS Teams PowerShell module:

    Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $cred
    Get-CsOnlineUser -ResultSize 1 | Select DisplayName


    You’ll need to enter your MS Teams tenant admin credentials. The output confirms your connection to the model (CsOnlineUser), and performs a test query.

Step 7: (Optional) Install the Microsoft ExchangeOnlineManagement Module#

This procedure installs the MS Exchange Online module on the PowerShell proxy.


This task is only required if you’re using Exchange Online. However, while Exchange is an optional setup on the PowerShell proxy server, it is recommended best practice to install the ExchangeOnlineManagement module.

  1. From an elevated PowerShell session issue the following command:

    Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -RequiredVersion 3.2.0


    Check with VOSS in case a newer version of the ExchangeOnlineManagement module is recommended.