Add Phone-Based Registration Menus and Access Profile#


The Phone Based Registration (PBR) menus must be added to the Automate menu layouts for Provider and Customer administrators that require access to the feature.


The simplest way to configure the menu layouts and access profiles for PBR is to export the existing menu layouts and access profiles for the appropriate roles, and submit to VOSS GS team to create a customized version that includes current modifications.

Related Topics

PBR Menu Layout and Access Profiles#

The image shows a sample menu layout for PBR.


Add PBR Menus to Services#

The table describes the Phone-Based Registration menus to add under Services:

Menu to add


PBR Set-Up

  • Title: PBR Set-Up

  • Type: view/RS_SetupReg_VIEW

  • Display As Form

PBR Config

  • Title: PBR Config

  • Type: data/RS_PBR_Config

  • Display as list

PBR phonereg IP Phone Service

  • Title: PBR phonereg IP Phone Service

  • Type: device/cucm/IpPhoneServices

PBR UDT Templates

  • Title: PBR UDT Templates

  • Type: device/cucm/UniversalDeviceTemplate

PBR ULT Templates

  • Title: PBR ULT Templates

  • Type device/cucm/UniversalLineTemplate

CUCM CallManagers

  • Title: CUCM CallManagers

  • Type: device/cucm/CallManager

CUCM CallManager Groups

  • Title: CUCM CallManager Groups

  • Type: device/cucm/CallManagerGroup

AutoRegistration Phone Protocol

  • Title: AutoRegistration Phone Protocol

  • Type: device/cucm/ServiceParameter

  • Filter: AutoRegistrationPhoneProtocol

    • Filter By - Name

    • Filter Type - Equals

    • Filter String - AutoRegistrationPhoneProtocol

    • Ignore Case - false

Auto Reg Phones

  • Title: Auto Reg Phones

  • Type: relation/SubscriberPhone

  • Filter: Auto

    • Filter By - BAT Phone Template

    • Filter Type - Equals

    • Filter String - Auto

    • Ignore Case - false

Add PBR Menus to Subscriber Management#

The table describes the Phone-Based Registration menus to add under Subscriber Management Advanced Functions:

Menu to add


PBR Phones & PINs

  • Type: data/RS_PBR_Device

  • Title: PBR Phones & PINs

PBR Register Phone

  • Title: PBR Register Phone

  • Type: view/RS_RegPhone_VIEW

  • Display As: Form

Add PBR Views to Access Profile for Provider Admin#

Add the following PBR views to the access profile for Provider administrators (expose all operations):

  • view/RS_RegPhone_VIEW

  • view/RS_SetupReg_VIEW

  • data/RS_PBR_Config

  • data/RS_PBR_Device