Date Time Groups#

  • Configuration Templates can be customized and added so that these become available in the Date/Time Group Configuration Template drop down list, for example to templates to customize the date format and listed in the UCPrep Configuration Templates menu.

  • The UCPrep Friendly Timezones menu can be used to manage the list available in the timezones drop-downs, for example to shorten the list to only include the timezones that are used in the Data/Time groups.


Date Time Groups Reference#


Field Description

Date/Time Group Configuration Template

Configuration template used to configure the specific settings to a Data-Time Group in Call Manager. Options available in the Configuration template are date format, separator, Time format, and so on.

Note: the name of the date time group is automatically configured based on the chosen timezone entry. A timezone drop-down entry of America/New_York will create a date time group named America-New_York.

Date/Time Group Add

Timezones are chosen and added via drop-down. Any number of timezones may be chosen.