Delete a phone#


This API DELETE call deletes a phone.

DELETE https://<hostname>/api/api/relation/SubscriberPhone/{Removal_Phone_PKID}

Where {Removal_Phone_PKID} is the ID of the phone to delete.


Using relation/SubscriberPhone/{Removal_Phone_PKID}#

Using this API call involves the following tasks:

  1. Identify the customer and the customer’s hierarchy.

  2. Fetch all details of the phone to be deleted.

Step 1: Identify Customer+Customer Hierarchy#

  1. Fetch the list of customers to populate a drop-down list, and allow the user to select a customer from the list. <Customer Name>

    Refer to (GET) Customers

  2. Fetch available hierarchies for the selected customer (<Customer Name>).

    Refer to (GET) All Sites Belonging to the Customer

  3. Resolve <Customer Hierarchy>.

    • <Customer Hierarchy> is the entry in the earlier step that ends with the <Customer Name>.

      For example, if <Customer Name> is Innovia, the <Customer Hierarchy> will be sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.Innovia.

Step 2: Fetch all details of the phone to be deleted#

  1. Execute tool-macro-all-phones-belonging-to-the-customer-id (at Customer hierarchy) to fetch all phones belonging to the customer.

  2. User selects the phone to be deleted.

  3. Resolve the phone PKID of the selected phone, to <Removal_Phone_PKID>


    There is no callback for DELETE. You will need to execute a GET call containing data from the payload to confirm the status of the call, for example:

    GET https://<hostname>/api/tool/Transaction/9095e5a2-6b62-45f8-abbb-93bd908a8bef/

    See the response sample output for this DELETE call in the OpenAPI example for relation/SubscriberPhone/{Removal_Phone_PKID}