Hybrid Multi-Vendor Move#


Use the Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Management > Hybrid Multi-Vendor Move menu where there are existing CUCM users at various sites, and then syncing in the MS users at customer level. A check for mapping matches is carried out at site level to move the corresponding MS users down.


  • Enable the Enable Cisco / Microsoft Hybrid Global Setting so that the Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Management menu is available. See: Enabled Services at Global Settings.

Move Scenarios#

All of the Cisco move functionality is available, as well as extra workflows for the hybrid moves.

The following scenarios are supported:

  • Scenario 1

    • Move MS Teams, MS 0365

    • Set tenantDialplan (optional), onlineVoiceRoutingPolicy (optional)

    • Move INI and E164 association (if it is in a 1-to-1 association) and create at new site with new country if different

    • Delete SNR at home site and Add SNR at new site

    • Set the INI at new site according to Service Type

  • Scenario 2

    • Move MS Teams, MS 0365

    • Set tenantDialplan (optional), onlineVoiceRoutingPolicy (optional)

    • Move INI

    • Delete SNR at home site and Add SNR at new site

    • Set the INI at new site according to Service Type

  • Scenario 3

    • Move MS Teams, MS 0365

    • Set tenantDialplan (optional), onlineVoiceRoutingPolicy (optional)

    • new INI at new site

    • Delete SNR at home site and Add SNR at new site

    • Set the INI at new site according to Service Type

  • Scenario 4

    • Move MS Teams, MS 0365

    • Set tenantDialplan (optional), onlineVoiceRoutingPolicy (optional)

    • new INI/E164 association at new site

    • Delete SNR at home site and Add SNR at new site

    • Set the INI at new site according to Service Type

  • Scenario 5

    • Move MS Teams, MS 0365

    • Set tenantDialplan (optional), onlineVoiceRoutingPolicy (optional)

    • Do nothing with lines, do not select anything in Lines tab - the assumption is that there was a bulk pre-move of lines to the new site: INI and/or INI/E164 numbers.

    • Delete SNR at home site and Add SNR at new site

    • Set the INI at new site according to Service Type

  • Scenario 6

    • If INI is associated to a range of E164s and there is an attempted move line, then this fails with workflow validation.


  • From release 24.1, the Line Template dropdown under Line Configuration is not used by this feature. Any customizations (for example Field Display Policies) that referenced this field, should be updated to remove references to it.

  • If the subscriber has any other Cisco services that were not added by the hybrid feature, such as Phone, EM, RDP, VM etc., these will be moved by the Cisco Subscriber move workflows during the Hybrid-Multivendor-Move calls.

  • In Multi Vendor Service User Configuration, the New Role list of available roles will include those where the Hierarchies Allowed list of the role contains the target hierarchy selected in the Move To Hierarchy list. See: Add and Edit Roles.

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