Introduction to Microsoft Teams Emergency Management#

VOSS Automate allows you to configure and manage all elements of emergency call routing for Microsoft Teams, from within the VOSS Automate Admin Portal.

There are two approaches to emergency call routing in Microsoft Teams:

  • Location-based routing

  • Dynamic emergency routing

The option you choose depends on how your sites are set up, the specific requirements of your organization, and the elements related to each option, which may be grouped as follows:

Emergency Locations

This is a group of details in MS Teams that models the Dynamic Emergency Routing elements - the Civic Address and all the related Location Information Server (LIS) details - Location, Subnet, Port, Wireless Access Point, and Switch.

Emergency Location Networks

This is for the additional emergency options not related to the Location Information Server (LIS) elements - Network Sites and Network Subnets.

This can, for instance, help model routing to local security desks rather than directly to emergency services. This basically relates Network Sites and Subnets elements. This feature provides a read-only view to allow you to see Network Sites and related Subnets in a single view - editing either element is done via the dedicated menu item.

Trusted IP Addresses

Dedicated menu items in the VOSS Automate GUi allow the addition of IP Addresses or subnets external to the enterprise network that are to be trusted by the MS Teams system for location based services.

In addition to the basic setup for emergency routing, VOSS Automate allows you to create emergency policies and to assign these to users. The following policies are supported:

  • Emergency call routing policy - used with direct routing

  • Emergency Calling policy - used with Operator Connect and Calling Plans


See the MS Teams policy management and subscriber management sections in the Core feature guides for further details.

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