Set Up and Manage Pexip Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMR) and Conferencing¶
- To manage Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMR), choose Subscriber Management > Pexip Conference Users menus. You will be prompted to select a hierarchy.
- The Name and Owner’s email address are mandatory fields.
- If used, the Host PIN can be reset on Resetting UC Passwords.
- If you select Allow Guests, an input box is shown to enter the Guest PIN.
- Complete the required fields and click Save.
The name of the VMR will now show on the list of the Virtual Meeting Rooms from the Services on the Pexip Conferencing Platform. Any changes to the VMR on the Pexip Conferencing Platform will also update the VMR in VOSS-4-UC.
Virtual Meeting Rooms are set up as a part of User management - see: