Add Subscribers

Use this procedure as a high-level workflow to add one or more subscribers in VOSS-4-UC.


If Enable CSS filtering is enabled at the customer dial plan, then for all calling search space fields in this procedure, the list of available calling search spaces includes only those that are marked as a Class of Service under Dial Plan Management > Site > Class of Service at the particular site. If another CSS is required, you can add custom CSSs in a CSS field if you know the exact syntax.

If Enable CSS filtering is not enabled, then the list of available calling search spaces includes all CSSs that are configured on VOSS-4-UC. [1]

  1. Log in as customer or site level administrator. If you are logged on as the customer administrator for a specific site you can see all the fields described in this procedure. If you are logged in as the site administrator, you can see a subset of the fields that are available on the interface.
  2. On the Subscribers form, click Add.
  3. Choose the site to which you want to add the subscriber (only required if logged in as a customer administrator).
  4. Configure the details on the following tabs (see below).
  5. When you are finished adding information for the subscriber, click Save.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 to add another subscriber.