Reassign Services

High level feature workflow:

!include style.iuml
:[[../src/user/reference-reassign-services-flowchart.html#create-reassign-services-profile-flowchart Reassign Services Profile ]];
  note right
    Set up your profiles before proceeding.
  end note
if (Do you want to reassign or update user services?) then (reassign)
 :[[../src/user/reference-reassign-services-flowchart.html#reassign-services-flowchart Reassign User Services ]];
else (update)
 :[[../src/user/reference-reassign-services-flowchart.html#update-services-flowchart Update User Services ]];

menu_book32x24.png Documentation: Reassign Services: Overview

Reassign Services Profile

This is a set of configuration settings and additional settings to apply. If no CFT is defined for a service, it is still moved to the new user. However, existing settings will be left in place.

!include style.iuml
if (Do you have the required CFTs?) then (Yes)
else (No)
  :Create required CFTs;
  note right
    You can clone CFTs from the ""RS Example Profile""
    to your hierarchy and modify them.
  end note
:Choose required CFTs;
:Select additional services options;
:Enter Profile name, description and save;

menu_book32x24.png Documentation: Reassign Services Profile

youtube.png Reassign Services Profile

Reassign User Services

!include style.iuml
:Choose Reassign Services Profile;
:Choose Source User;
:Add or choose Target User;
note right
  You can create a new target user at the
  same hierarchy as the source user.
end note
:Add Target User credentials;


menu_book32x24.png Documentation: Reassign Services

youtube.png Reassign User Services

Update User Services

!include style.iuml
:Choose Reassign Services Profile;
:Choose User;
:Modify user credentials;
note right
  User services that use any of the updated
  user details will automatically get updated.
end note

menu_book32x24.png Documentation: Update User Details

youtube.png Update User Services