.. _reassign_services_flowcharts: Reassign Services ------------------------------------- High level feature workflow: .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start :[[../src/user/reference-reassign-services-flowchart.html#create-reassign-services-profile-flowchart Reassign Services Profile ]]; note right Set up your profiles before proceeding. end note if (Do you want to reassign or update user services?) then (reassign) :[[../src/user/reference-reassign-services-flowchart.html#reassign-services-flowchart Reassign User Services ]]; else (update) :[[../src/user/reference-reassign-services-flowchart.html#update-services-flowchart Update User Services ]]; endif stop @enduml |menu_book32x24.png| Documentation: :ref:`reassign_services_overview` .. _create-reassign-services-profile-flowchart: Reassign Services Profile ........................................... This is a set of configuration settings and additional settings to apply. If no CFT is defined for a service, it is still moved to the new user. However, existing settings will be left in place. .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start if (Do you have the required CFTs?) then (Yes) else (No) :Create required CFTs; note right You can clone CFTs from the ""RS Example Profile"" to your hierarchy and modify them. end note endif :Choose required CFTs; :Select additional services options; :Enter Profile name, description and save; stop @enduml |menu_book32x24.png| Documentation: :ref:`reassign_services_profile` |youtube.png| `Reassign Services Profile <https://www.youtube.com/embed/VPDSjHgBCjw>`_ .. raw:: html <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/VPDSjHgBCjw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> .. _reassign-services-flowchart: Reassign User Services ..................................... .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start :Choose Reassign Services Profile; :Choose Source User; :Add or choose Target User; note right You can create a new target user at the same hierarchy as the source user. end note :Add Target User credentials; stop @enduml |menu_book32x24.png| Documentation: :ref:`reassign_services` |youtube.png| `Reassign User Services <https://www.youtube.com/embed/hxHHjZbpVRI>`_ .. raw:: html <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hxHHjZbpVRI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> .. _update-services-flowchart: Update User Services ..................................... .. uml:: @startuml !include style.iuml start :Choose Reassign Services Profile; :Choose User; :Modify user credentials; note right User services that use any of the updated user details will automatically get updated. end note stop @enduml |menu_book32x24.png| Documentation: :ref:`reassign_services_update` |youtube.png| `Update User Services <https://youtube.com/embed/GQjkjGA2QJM>`_ .. raw:: html <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/GQjkjGA2QJM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> .. |menu_book32x24.png| image:: /src/images/menu_book32x24.png .. |youtube.png| image:: /src/images/youtube.png