Number Management Functions


The fn.get_lines macro function uses the value of a CUSTOMER_INI_ENABLED macro at the relevant hierarchy:

  • If ((True)), then apply the function to the Internal Number Inventory (INI) at the hierarchy: data.InternalNumberInventory.internal_number.
  • If ((False)), then apply the function to device.cucm.Line.pattern.

The macro function will check the CUSTOMER_INI_ENABLED macro first. This macro should exist at the required hierarchy level and have a value of ((True)) or ((False)).


Function name: fn.get_lines.

Example where CUSTOMER_INI_ENABLED macro is ((True)):

Example Output
[{"value": "1000",
  "title": "1000 (Used)  \\+27826543001",
 {"value": "2000",
  "title": "2000"},
 {"value": "3000",
  "title": "3000 (Used-Utility)"},
 {"value": "4000",
  "title": "4000 (Cooling) \\+27826543004 ...(release date: 2021-09-25)..."},
 {"value": "5000",
  "title": "5000 (Reserved)"}]


The parameter names and values are listed below.


More than one parameter can be used. These should then be comma-separated, for example: {{ fn.get_lines status:Used,direction:parent}}.

  • status: the status of the line.

    Parameter values:

    • All
    • Available
    • Used
    • Available_or_Used
    • Used-Utility
    • Used_or_Used-Utility
    • Reserved
    • Cooling

    For details, refer to Number Status and Usage.

    Usage example: {{fn.get_lines status:Available}}

    Example Output
    {{fn.get_lines status:Available}}
     {"value": "2000",
      "title": "2000"}
  • direction: the line search direction in the hierarchy.


    The default search direction is up, i.e. without the parameter is equal to direction:up.

    Parameter values:

    • up - Upwards. Include current hierarchy. This is the default if the parameter is not used.
    • down - Downwards. Include current hierarchy.
    • local: - On this level only. Include current hierarchy.
    • parent - Parent only. Exclude current hierarchy, in other words, search the parent as local.
    • below - Downwards. Exclude current hierarchy.
    • above - Upwards. Exclude current hierarchy.

    Usage example: {{fn.get_lines direction:parent}}

    Example Output
    {{fn.get_lines direction:parent}}
    [{"value": "1000",
      "title": "1000 (Used)  \\+27826543001"},
     {"value": "3000",
      "title": "3000 (Used-Utility)"}
  • partition: the line search is for device.cucm.Line.pattern in the specified partition only, i.e. the specified routePartitionName.

    Parameter value: a partition name, for example Site-REL103-Customer.

    Example Output
    {{fn.get_lines partition:Site-REL103-Customer}}
    [{"value": "2000",
      "title": "2000"}
  • e164: the line search is for the E164 number.

    Parameter value: an E164 number, for example \+27826543001.

    Example Output
    {{fn.get_lines e164:"\+27826543001"}}
    [{"value": "1000",
      "title": "1000 (Used)  \\+27826543001"}
  • scalar_list_only:true: only display the value in the title, value pair of the result list.

    Parameter value: only one value: true. Without the parameter, the default display is the title, value pair.

    Example Output
    {{fn.get_lines scalar_list_only:true}}

Parameter Types and Permutations

Parameters are of the following types:

  • Applies to INI: status, e164
  • Applies to cucm/Line: partition
  • Other: scalar_list, direction

The types of parameters will determine the types of lines returned:

  • Internal Number Inventory or
  • device.cucm.Line.pattern

in accordance with whether CUSTOMER_INI_ENABLED is ((True)) or ((False)).

The table below shows the result of parameters and combinations used in these cases.


The default (if not specified) direction is up.

Parameter Combination INI enabled Result
partition [scalar_list, direction] Y Return cucm.Line in partition
partition [scalar_list, direction] N Return cucm.Line in partition
status, partition Y Return INI by status upwards
status, partition N Return cucm.Line in partition
status Y Return INI by status upwards
status N Return cucm.Line upwards
partition Y Return cucm.Line in partition
partition N Return cucm.Line in partition

Get DN Number from E164 Range

fn.get_dn_number: Return the matching Directory Number (DN) in a range given a E164 number as input. The E164 ranges are of 1, 10, 100 and 1000.

Two models are queried. If no results are found in data/HcsDpDNE164AssociateDAT then the ranges in data/HcsDpDNMultiE164AssociateDAT are queried.


Example Output



{{ fn.get_dn_number
   \+121000 }}