Model Filters

Model filters are set up as instances of data/ModelFilterCriteria with the following properties:

Property Description
name The name is used by the macro function
type The model on which the filter is applied
criteria.attribute attribute name of the applied model
criteria.conditional_operator optional: takes a boolean AND, OR NOT to apply to next criteria
criteria.condition see list below for options
criteria.value filter condition value of attribute to check against

criteria.condition can be:

Field Name Description GUI Field Name
equalsIgnoreCase Case insensitive exact match. Equals
isexactly Case sensitive exact match. Equals Exactly
containsIgnoreCase Case insensitive substring match. Contains
contains Case sensitive substring match. Contains Exactly
regex_search Regular expression Regex Search

The macro functions take a Model Filter name as input.

Match Model Filter Criteria

  • fn.match_model_filter_criteria: Given input context data and a model filter criteria instance name, return a dictionary of output that contains a result.

    Syntax: {{fn.match_model_filter_criteria <input-data>,<filter-name> }}

    In the Model Filter Criteria:

    • The filter-name, individual criteria are evaluated to a value: True or False
    • The filter-name, criteria are combined with a conditional_operator (e.g. boolean AND) to yield the result value: true or false
    • Filters will evaluate each of the criteria for the specified type.

    Below is an instance of data/ModelFilterCriteria for type is device/msgraph/MsolUser:

    "data": {
               "type": "device/msgraph/MsolUser",
               "description": "Multi Level Filter",
               "name": "Multi Level Filter",
               "criteria": [
                       "attribute": "City",
                       "condition": "isexactly",
                       "value": "Cape Town",
                       "conditional_operator": "AND"
                       "attribute": "Address",
                       "condition": "contains",
                       "value": "Bellville"
    Example Output

    data/ModelFilterCriteria with name is “Multi Level Filter” as in example above.

    Input context data contains:

    {"user_details": {
       City": "Cape Town",
       Address": "City of Bellville",

    Function call:

      'Multi Level Filter' }}
     "[City] 'Cape Town' isexactly 'Cape Town'  =  True\n
      [Address] 'City of Bellville' contains 'Bellville'  =  True",
     "result": true}

Instances that match Model Filter Criteria

  • fn.instances_match_model_filter_criteria:


    {{fn.instances_match_model_filter_criteria <model filter criteria name>,<field name>,<direction>}}


    • model filter criteria name: name of data/ModelFilterCriteria

    • field name: a field name from the model filter criteria instance type. The match results will be a list of this field, with the list called model_match_list.

      The model filter can contain one or multiple criteria operating on the type model - with multiple criteria also combined with a boolean conditional_operator.

    • direction: optional search direction. Default is above, which is upwards and excludes the current hierarchy if it is not the top hierarchy.


    • Input model filter and query details and result model_match_list.

    Example macro:

    {{ fn.instances_match_model_filter_criteria CityTulsa,username,up }}

    Example output:

      "model_filter_criteria_field": "username",
      "model_filter_criteria_name": "CityTulsa",
      "hierarchy": "nnf525b7e04a4a001480cfnn",
      "model_filter_criteria": {
          "usage": "Test",
          "type": "data/User",
          "name": "Demo Criteria City = Tulsa",
          "criteria": [
                  "attribute": "city",
                  "condition": "isexactly",
                  "value": "Tulsa"
      "model_filter_macro": "{# data.User.* || direction:up #}",
      "model_match_list": [
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]",
          "[email protected]"
      "model_filter_criteria_direction": "up",
      "hierarchy_friendly_path": "sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.RND.East.AlterLake"