Set up an Analog Gateway

Before You Begin

  • Add an IOS device in VOSS-4-UC at the Customer level hierarchy. To add an IOS device, see Set up an IOS Device.
  • Ensure that the site-level dial plan is applied on the site where the gateway is being added.


VOSS-4-UC supports SCCP and MGCP protocols. It does not support BRI endpoints. Do not add slots or modules or subunits for BRI.


  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
  2. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Analog Gateways.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Choose the required hierarchy path from the drop-down and click OK.
  5. On the Gateway tab, complete, at minimum, the mandatory Gateway Fields.
  6. On the Gateway Units tab, click + to expand Modules, and complete, at minimum, the mandatory Gateway Units - Modules Fields.
  7. On the Endpoints tab, click + to expand the SCCP or MGSP endpoints, and complete, at minimum, the mandatory:
  8. On the Config tab, click + to expand the Product Specific Configuration Layout, and complete the required Config: Product Specific Configuration Layout Fields.
  9. Click Save.

There are few scenarios that show the expected behaviour of an Analog gateway when adding, deleting, or modifying a gateway.

Successful Scenario Failure Scenario
Adding an Analog device with a phone line. Removing the phone line from the endpoint.
Adding an Analog gateway without using enable command builder. Adding a phone line after adding the command builder.
Removing the command builder after adding an analog gateway with command builder.

Adding an analog gateway without a phone line after adding a phone line to an endpoint.

Note: Ensure to add the Directory Names to both endpoints.

Gateway Fields

Field Description
IOS Device *

Choose the required IOS Device from the drop-down list. For example: IOS 11. This is a mandatory field. Note:

The IOS device identifies the devices that are not associated with any Analog Gateways.

Product *

Choose the product from the drop-down list. For example: VG202, where VG represents Voice Gateway and 202 represents port. It has 2 ports, 0 and 1. This is a mandatory field. Note:

The analog gateway supports the following models (FXS ports):

  • VG202: 2 ports
  • VG204: 4 ports
  • VG224: 24 ports
  • VG310: 24 ports
  • VG320: 48 ports
  • VG350: 144/160 ports
  • VG400: 8 ports max
  • VG450: 144 ports max
Protocol * Choose the protocol from the drop-down list. The available protocols are SCCP and MGCP. This is a mandatory field.
Gateway Name * Enter the MAC address of the analog gateway. For example: SKIGW0102030405, where SKI represents SCCP, GW represents gateway, and the last 10 digits represents the MAC address of the gateway. This is a mandatory field for the SCCP protocol.
Domain Name Enter a fully qualified domain name. For example: This is a mandatory field for the MGCP protocol.
Call Manager Group *

Choose the call manager group from the drop-down list. For example: Default. This is a mandatory field.


Call Manager Group is default based on the site default device pool.

Enable Command Builder Leave the check box clear to generate IOS commands, when Analog Gateway is added, deleted, or modified.


For more information,see Local Break Out and Analog Gateway Events, IOS Commands, and Variables. To view generated commands from Command Builder, see View IOS Commands Log.

Field Description
Gateway Network Interface *

Enter a Gateway Network Interface. For example: FastEthernet0/0, FastEthernet0/1, GigabitEthernet0/0, GigabitEthernet0/1 or **GigabitEthernet0/2. This is a mandatory field.


Check the network interface at the Physical Device, then choose the appropriate Network Interface and Port as applicable. The Network Interface is used in Command Generation.

Choose FastEthernet for all 2x series and GigabitEthernet for all 3x series.

Call Disconnect Timeout *

Enter the time unit for Call Disconnect Timeout. For example: 2. This is a mandatory field.


The time unit always is in seconds. Do not enter any negative timer values.

CP Tone *

Choose the call progress tone (country code) from the drop-down list. For example: in (for India). This is a mandatory field.


CP Tone is an FXS configuration parameter that supports each analog device in the gateway.

Signal *

Choose a signal from the drop-down list. For example: loop-start or ground-start. This is a mandatory field.


Signal is an FXS configuration parameter that supports each analog device in the gateway.

Gateway Units - Modules Fields

Field Description
Slot *

Choose the required value from the drop-down list. For example: 0. This is a mandatory field


  • Add only those Units (Modules) and Subunits that are listed in the drop-down list, without duplicate the units and subunit numbers.
  • If duplicating entry is made for a slot, then the new slot overwrites the older configuration. You may lose previously configured endpoints.
  • For VG310 model, do not choose any module for slot 1.
Module *

Choose the available module from the drop-down list. For example: NM-4VWIC-MBRD.


Only modules that are available for the slot appear in the list.

Subunits * Click + to expand Subunits. This is a mandatory field.
Subunit Position *

Choose the subunit position from the drop-down list. For example: 0.


Subunit position 1 on the VG310 gateway has no available hardware by design, so choosing a value of 1 in this drop-down will not allow you to continue. Please choose a different subunit position to continue setting up your gateway.

Subunit * Choose the subunit from the drop-down list. For example: VIC3-2FXS-E/DID-SCCP.


When managing Gateways Units for Analog Gateways on the on the Legacy Admin GUI, the Slot number and Subunit Position may disappear from the form, but values are captured.

SCCP Endpoints Fields

Option Description
Gateway Name This read-only field is populated from the analog gateway for the SCCP protocol. This is a mandatory field.
Slot * This read-only field is populated from the gateway units. This is a mandatory field.
Subunit Position * This read-only field is populated from the gateway units. This is a mandatory field.
Port Number * This read-only field is populated from the gateway units. This is a mandatory field.
Product Type * Choose the product type from the drop-down ist. For example: Analog Phone. This is a mandatory field.
Device Protocol * Choose the device protocol from the drop-down list. This is a mandatory field.
Device Name * This read-only field is populated from the analog gateway. This is a mandatory field.
Description When the endpoint is added, the default description is the Device Name that can be updated if required. This is an optional field and accepts a string value.
Device Pool * Choose the device pool from the drop-down list. For example: Cu2Si2-DevicePool. This is a mandatory field.
Phone Button Template * Choose the phone button template from the drop-down list. For example: Standard Analog. This has a specific phone button template for the analog gateway. This is a mandatory field.
Common Phone Profile * Choose the common phone profile from the drop-down list. For example: Standard Common Phone Profile. It includes the attributes (services or features) that are associated with a particular user. This is a mandatory field.
Calling Search Space From the drop-down list, choose the appropriate calling search space. The calling search space specifies a collection of partitions that are searched to determine how a collected (originating) number should be routed.
AAR Calling Search Space Choose the appropriate calling search space for the device to use when it performs automated alternate routing (AAR). The AAR calling search space specifies the collection of route partitions that are searched to determine how to route a collected (originating) number that is otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth.
Media Resource Group List This list provides a prioritized grouping of media resource groups. An application chooses the required media resource, such as a Music On Hold server, from among the available media resources according to the priority order that a Media Resource Group List defines.
Location * Choose a location from the drop-down list. For example: Cu2Si2-Location. This is a mandatory field.
AAR Group Specify the automated alternate routing (AAR) group for this device. The AAR group provides the prefix digits that are used to route calls that are otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth.
Owner Choose from the drop-down list.
Field Description
Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message * Choose the required options from the drop-down list. For example: On, Off or Default. This is a mandatory field. This specifies whether the device will always use the prime line for voice messages.
Geolocation From the drop-down list, choose a geolocation. You can choose the Unspecified geolocation, which designates that this device does not associate with a geolocation.
Transmit UTF-8 for Calling Party Name Keep the check box clear.
Called Party Transformation CSS

This setting allows you to send transformed called party number in SETUP message for outgoing calls. Make sure that the Called Party Transformation CSS that you choose contains the called party transformation pattern that you want to assign to this device.


If the Called Party Transformation CSS is configured as <None>, the transformation does not match and does not get applied. Ensure that you configure the Called Party Transformation CSS in a non-null partition that is not used for routing.

Use Device Pool Called Party Transformation CSS Select the check box.
Allow Control Of Device From CTI Select the check box.
Logged Into Hunt Group Select the check box.
Calling Party Transformation CSS (Caller ID For Calls From This Phone)

This setting allows you to send transformed calling party number in SETUP message for outgoing calls. Also when redirection occurs for outbound calls, this CSS will be used to transform the connected number sent from Cisco Unified Communications Manager side in outgoing NOTIFY messages. Make sure that the Calling Party Transformation CSS that you choose contains the calling party transformation pattern that you want to assign to this device.


If the Calling Party Transformation CSS is configured as <None>, the transformation does not match and does not get applied. Ensure that you configure the Calling Party Transformation Pattern in a non-null partition that is not used for routing.

Use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS (Caller ID for Calls From This Phone) Select the check box.
Calling Party Transformation CSS (Device Mobility Related Information)  
Use Device Pool Calling Party Transformation CSS (Device Mobility Related Information) Select the check box.
BLF Presence Group * Choose the presence group for busy lamp field buttons from the drop-down list. For example: Standard Presence group is the default value. This is a mandatory field.
Field Description
Device Security Profile * Choose options from the drop-down list. For example: Analog Phone - Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile. This is mandatory field.
MLPP Domain

If you leave the value <None>, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value that was set for the device pool of this device.

If the device pool does not have an MLPP Domain setting, this device inherits its MLPP domain from the value that was set for the MLPP Domain Identifier enterprise parameter.

MLPP Indication Choose options from the drop-down list. For example: On, Off, or Default. This is a mandatory field.
MLPP Preemption

Choose options from the drop-down list. For example: Disabled, Forceful, or Default. This is a mandatory field.


If there are any changes to be performed to analog phone line then do not refer line settings. For example: Changing CSS is done under Subscriber Management.

Line Click + to expand Line.
Pattern * Choose the route pattern from the drop-down list. For example: 08231006
Enduser Click + to expand Enduser.
User ID Choose the available user ID from the drop-down list. For example: Subscriber 1
Product Specific Configuration Layout Click + to expand Product Specific Configuration Layout.
Key Enter the Key for the product specific configuration layout. For example: stcappRegCap.
Value Enter the Value for the product specific configuration layout. For example: 0.


For more optional field information, see Configure Phones.

MGCP Endpoints Fields

You can configure multiple endpoints for an MGCP gateway.

Option Description
Domain Name This read-only field is populated from the analog gateway for the MGCP protocol. This is a mandatory field.
Slot * This read-only field is populated from the gateway units. This is a mandatory field.
Subunit Position * This read-only field is populated from the gateway units. This is a mandatory field.
Port Number * This read-only field is populated from the gateway units. This is a mandatory field.
Product Type * Choose the product type from the drop down list. For example: Analog Phone. This is a mandatory field.
Device Protocol * Choose the device protocol from the drop-down list. For example: SCCP. This is a mandatory field.
Protocol Side * This is a read-only field except when creating a device. This is a mandatory field.
Class * This is a read-only field except when creating a device. This is a mandatory field.
Device Name * This read-only field is populated from the analog gateway. This is a mandatory field.
Description When the endpoint is added, the default description is in the format: Endpoint for slot/subunit/port n/n/n gateway @domain that can be updated if required. This is an optional field and accepts a string value.
Device Pool Choose the device pool from the drop-down list. For example: Cu2Si2-DevicePool. This is a mandatory field.
Calling Search Space Choose the calling search space name from the drop-down list. This is an optional field.
Common Device Configuration Specify the Configuration name of the device. This is an optional field.
Network Locale Choose the location from the drop-down list. This is an optional field.
Location * Choose a location from the drop-down list. For example: Cu2Si2-Location. This is a mandatory field.
Media Resource Group List Enter a media resource to allocate for a device. This is an optional field.
AAR calling search space Choose the appropriate calling search space for the device to use when it performs automated alternate routing (AAR) from the drop-down list. This is an optional field.
Field Description
User Trusted Relay Point

Choose one of the following values:

  • Off - Choose this value to disable the use of a Trusted Relay Point (TRP) with this device. This setting overrides the Use Trusted Relay Point setting in the common device configuration with which this device associates.
  • On - Choose this value to enable the use of a TRP with this device. This setting overrides the Use Trusted Relay Point setting in the common device configuration with which this device associates.
  • Default - If you choose this value, the device uses the Use Trusted Relay Point setting from the common device configuration with which this device associates.
AAR Group Specify the automated alternate routing (AAR) group for this device. The AAR group provides the prefix digits that are used to route calls that are otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth.
Geolocation Specify the location name. This is an optional field.
Transmit UTF-8 for Calling Party Name Keep the check box clear.
Port Number * Configure the ports for the MGCP Endpoint. This is a mandatory field.
Trunk * This field value auto-populates depending on the value set for the Port Number. This is a mandatory field.
Trunk Direction * The field value auto-populates depending on the value set for the Number. This is a mandatory field.
Trunk Level * The field value auto-populates depending on the value set for the Number. This is a mandatory field.
Attendant DN Specify this field for group start and loop start. This is a mandatory field.
Prefix DN Enter the prefix digits that are appended to the digits that this trunk receives on incoming calls.
Num Digits * Enter the number of significant digits to collect between 0 to 32.
Expected Digits * Enter the number of digits that are expected on the inbound side of the trunk. You can leave zero as the default value, if you are unsure.
Field Description
SMDI Port Number (0 - 4096) *

Enter the first SMDI port number of the T1 span.

If you set this parameter to a nonxero value and this gateway belongs to an unknown type of route list, route group, or route list, hunting does not continue beyond this span.

Unattended Port Select this check box to indicate an unattended port on this device.
Line Click + to expand Line.
Label Use this field only if you do not want the directory number to show on the line appearance. Enter text that identifies this directory number for a line and phone combination.
E164 Mask

Indicate a phone number (or mask) that is used to send Caller ID information when a call is placed from the line.

You can enter a maximum of 24 numbers, the international escape character + and ‘X’ characters. The Xs represent the directory number and must appear at the end of the pattern. For example, if you specify a mask of 972813XXXX, an external call from extension 1234 displays a caller ID number of 9728131234.

Dirn, Pattern * Choose the route pattern from the drop-down list. For example: 08231006.
Dirn, Route Partition Choose the partition to which the directory number belongs. Make sure that the directory number that you enter in the Directory Number field is unique within the partition that you choose. If you do not want to restrict access to the directory number, choose <None> for the partition.
Enduser Click + to expand Enduser.
User ID Choose the available user ID from drop-down list. For example: Subscriber 1.
Index This field is the line position on the device. If left blank, an integer is automatically assigned.
Trunk Selection Order * Choose the order from the drop-down list to display the call routing logic for the route pattern.

Config: Product Specific Configuration Layout Fields

Field Description
Key Enter the Key for the product-specific configuration Layout. For example stcappRegCap.
Value Enter the Key for the product-specific configuration layout. For example: 0.