.. _p_set_up_an_analog_gateway:

.. rst-class:: chapter-with-expand

Set up an Analog Gateway

.. _20.1.1|VOSS-483:

**Before You Begin**

* Add an IOS device in VOSS-4-UC at the Customer level hierarchy. To add an IOS
  device, see :ref:`set_up_an_ios_device`.
* Ensure that the site-level dial plan is applied on the site where the gateway
  is being added.

.. note::

   VOSS-4-UC supports SCCP and MGCP protocols. It does not support BRI endpoints.
   Do not add slots or modules or subunits for BRI.


1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
#. Choose **Apps Management > IOS > Analog Gateways**.
#. Click **Add**.
#. Choose the required hierarchy path from the drop-down and click **OK**.
#. On the **Gateway** tab, complete, at minimum, the mandatory :ref:`gateway_fields`.
#. On the **Gateway Units** tab, click + to expand **Modules**, and complete, at
   minimum, the mandatory :ref:`gateway_units_fields`.
#. On the **Endpoints** tab, click + to expand the SCCP or MGSP endpoints, and
   complete, at minimum, the mandatory:
   * :ref:`sccp_endpoints_fields`.
   * :ref:`mgcp_endpoints_fields`.

#. On the **Config** tab, click + to expand the **Product Specific Configuration Layout**,
   and complete the required :ref:`product_specific_config_layout_fields`.
#. Click **Save**.

There are few scenarios that show the expected behaviour of an Analog gateway when
adding, deleting, or modifying a gateway.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{7cm}|p{8cm}|

| Successful Scenario       | Failure Scenario                       |
| Adding an Analog device   | Removing the phone line from the       |
| with a phone line.        | endpoint.                              | 
| Adding an Analog gateway  | Adding a phone line after adding the   |
| without using enable      | command builder.                       |
| command builder.          |                                        |
| Removing the command      | Adding an analog gateway without a     |
| builder after adding an   | phone line after adding a phone line   |
| analog gateway with       | to an endpoint.                        |
| command builder.          |                                        |
|                           | Note: Ensure to add the Directory      |
|                           | Names to both endpoints.               |

.. _gateway_fields:

Gateway Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field              | Description                                   |
|                    | Choose the required IOS Device from the       |
|                    | drop-down list. For example: IOS 11. This is  |
|                    | a mandatory field.                            |
| IOS Device \*      | Note:                                         |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | The IOS device identifies the devices that    |
|                    | are not associated with any Analog Gateways.  |
|                    | Choose the product from the drop-down list.   |
|                    | For example: VG202, where VG represents Voice |
|                    | Gateway and 202 represents port. It has 2     |
|                    | ports, 0 and 1. This is a mandatory field.    |
|                    | Note:                                         |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | The analog gateway supports the following     |
|                    | models (FXS ports):                           |
| Product \*         |                                               |
|                    | * VG202: 2 ports                              |
|                    | * VG204: 4 ports                              |
|                    | * VG224: 24 ports                             |
|                    | * VG310: 24 ports                             |
|                    | * VG320: 48 ports                             |
|                    | * VG350: 144/160 ports                        |
|                    | * VG400: 8 ports max                          |
|                    | * VG450: 144 ports max                        |
| Protocol \*        | Choose the protocol from the drop-down list.  |
|                    | The available protocols are **SCCP** and      |
|                    | **MGCP**. This is a mandatory field.          |
|                    | Enter the MAC address of the analog gateway.  |
|                    | For example: SKIGW0102030405, where SKI       |
| Gateway Name \*    | represents SCCP, GW represents gateway, and   |
|                    | the last 10 digits represents the MAC address |
|                    | of the gateway. This is a mandatory field for |
|                    | the SCCP protocol.                            |
| Domain Name        | Enter a fully qualified domain name. For      |
|                    | example: E7C1VG310.hcsent17.com. This is a    |
|                    | mandatory field for the MGCP protocol.        |
|                    | Choose the call manager group from the        |
|                    | drop-down list. For example: **Default**. This|
|                    | is a mandatory field.                         |
| Call Manager       |                                               |
| Group \*           | Note:                                         |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | Call Manager Group is default based on the    |
|                    | site default device pool.                     |
| Enable Command     | Leave the check box clear to generate IOS     |
| Builder            | commands, when Analog Gateway is added,       |
|                    | deleted, or modified.                         |

.. note::

   For more information,see :ref:`p_local-break-out-and-analog-gateway-events-ios-commands-and-variables`. 
   To view generated commands from Command Builder, see :ref:`view_ios_commands_log`.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field              | Description                                   |
|                    | Enter a Gateway Network Interface. For        |
|                    | example: **FastEthernet0/0**,                 |
|                    | **FastEthernet0/1**, **GigabitEthernet0/0**,  |
|                    | **GigabitEthernet0/1** or                     |
|                    | ****GigabitEthernet0/2**. This is a mandatory |
|                    | field.                                        |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | Note:                                         |
| Gateway Network    |                                               |
| Interface \*       | Check the network interface at the Physical   |
|                    | Device, then choose the appropriate Network   |
|                    | Interface and Port as applicable. The Network |
|                    | Interface is used in Command Generation.      |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | Choose **FastEthernet** for all 2x series and |
|                    | **GigabitEthernet** for all 3x series.        |
|                    | Enter the time unit for Call Disconnect       |
|                    | Timeout. For example: **2**. This is a        |
| Call Disconnect    | mandatory field.                              |
| Timeout \*         |                                               |
|                    | Note:                                         |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | The time unit always is in seconds. Do not    |
|                    | enter any negative timer values.              |
|                    | Choose the call progress tone (country code)  |
|                    | from the drop-down list. For example: **in**  |
|                    | (for India). This is a mandatory field.       |
|                    |                                               |
| CP Tone \*         | Note:                                         |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | CP Tone is an FXS configuration parameter     |
|                    | that supports each analog device in the       |
|                    | gateway.                                      |
|                    | Choose a signal from the drop-down list. For  |
|                    | example: **loop-start** or **ground-start**.  |
|                    | This is a mandatory field.                    |
|                    |                                               |
| Signal \*          | Note:                                         |
|                    |                                               |
|                    | Signal is an FXS configuration parameter that |
|                    | supports each analog device in the gateway.   |

.. _gateway_units_fields:

Gateway Units - Modules Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field            | Description                                      |
|                  | Choose the required value from the drop-down     |
|                  | list. For example: 0. This is a mandatory field  |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | Note:                                            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | * Add only those Units (Modules) and Subunits    |
|                  |   that are listed in the drop-down list,         |
|                  |   without duplicate the units and subunit        |
| Slot \*          |   numbers.                                       |
|                  | * If duplicating entry is made for a slot,       |
|                  |   then the new slot overwrites the older         |
|                  |   configuration. You may lose previously         |
|                  |   configured endpoints.                          |
|                  | * For VG310 model, do not choose any module      |
|                  |   for slot 1.                                    |
|                  | Choose the available module from the drop-down   |
|                  | list. For example: NM-4VWIC-MBRD.                |
|                  |                                                  |
| Module \*        | Note:                                            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | Only modules that are available for the slot     |
|                  | appear in the list.                              |
| Subunits \*      | Click \+ to expand Subunits. This is a mandatory |
|                  | field.                                           |
| Subunit          | Choose the subunit position from the drop-down   |
| Position \*      | list. For example: 0.                            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | Note:                                            |
|                  |                                                  |
|                  | Subunit position 1 on the VG310 gateway has no   |
|                  | available hardware by design, so choosing a      |
|                  | value of 1 in this drop-down will not allow you  |
|                  | to continue. Please choose a different subunit   |
|                  | position to continue setting up your gateway.    |
| Subunit \*       | Choose the subunit from the drop-down list. For  |
|                  | example: VIC3-2FXS-E/DID-SCCP.                   |

.. note::

   When managing Gateways Units for Analog Gateways on the on the Legacy Admin GUI,
   the Slot number and Subunit Position may disappear from the form, but values are

.. _sccp_endpoints_fields:

SCCP Endpoints Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Option                    | Description                                             |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                  |
| Gateway Name              | the analog gateway for the SCCP                         |
|                           | protocol. This is a mandatory field.                    |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                  |
| Slot \*                   | the gateway units. This is a mandatory                  |
|                           | field.                                                  |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                  |
| Subunit Position \*       | the gateway units. This is a mandatory                  |
|                           | field.                                                  |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                  |
| Port Number \*            | the gateway units. This is a mandatory                  |
|                           | field.                                                  |
|                           | Choose the product type from the drop-down              |
| Product Type \*           | ist. For example: Analog Phone.                         |
|                           | This is a mandatory field.                              |
|                           | Choose the device protocol from the                     |
| Device Protocol \*        | drop-down list. This is a mandatory                     |
|                           | field.                                                  |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                  |
| Device Name \*            | the analog gateway. This is a                           |
|                           | mandatory field.                                        |
| Description               | When the endpoint is added, the default description is  |
|                           | the Device Name that can be updated if required. This   |
|                           | is an optional field and accepts a string value.        |
|                           | Choose the device pool from the drop-down               |
| Device Pool \*            | list. For example: Cu2Si2-DevicePool. This is a         |
|                           | mandatory field.                                        |
|                           | Choose the phone button template from                   |
|                           | the drop-down list. For example:                        |
| Phone Button Template \*  | Standard Analog. This has a specific                    |
|                           | phone button template for the analog                    |
|                           | gateway. This is a mandatory field.                     |
|                           | Choose the common phone profile from                    |
|                           | the drop-down list. For example:                        |
|                           | Standard Common Phone Profile. It                       |
| Common Phone Profile \*   | includes the attributes (services or                    |
|                           | features) that are associated with a                    |
|                           | particular user. This is a mandatory                    |
|                           | field.                                                  |
| Calling Search Space      | From the drop-down list, choose the appropriate calling |
|                           | search space. The calling search space specifies a      |
|                           | collection of partitions that are searched to determine |
|                           | how a collected (originating) number should be routed.  |
| AAR Calling Search Space  | Choose the appropriate calling search space for the     |
|                           | device to use when it performs automated alternate      |
|                           | routing (AAR). The AAR calling search space specifies   |
|                           | the collection of route partitions that are searched to |
|                           | determine how to route a collected (originating) number |
|                           | that is otherwise blocked due to insufficient bandwidth.|
| Media Resource Group      | This list provides a prioritized grouping of media      |
| List                      | resource groups. An application chooses the required    |
|                           | media resource, such as a Music On Hold server, from    |
|                           | among the available media resources according to the    |
|                           | priority order that a Media Resource Group List defines.|
|                           | Choose a location from the drop-down                    |
| Location \*               | list. For example: Cu2Si2-Location.                     |
|                           | This is a mandatory field.                              |
|                           | Specify the automated alternate                         |
|                           | routing (AAR) group for this device.                    |
| AAR Group                 | The AAR group provides the prefix                       |
|                           | digits that are used to route calls                     |
|                           | that are otherwise blocked due to                       |
|                           | insufficient bandwidth.                                 |
| Owner                     | Choose from the drop-down list.                         |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                     | Description                                             |
|                           | Choose the required options from the                    |
|                           | drop-down list. For example: On, Off                    |
| Always Use Prime Line for | or Default. This is a mandatory field.                  |
| Voice Message \*          | This specifies whether the device will                  |
|                           | always use the prime line for voice                     |
|                           | messages.                                               |
| Geolocation               | From the drop-down list, choose a geolocation. You can  |
|                           | choose the Unspecified geolocation, which designates    |
|                           | that this device does not associate with a geolocation. |
| Transmit UTF-8 for        | Keep the check box clear.                               |
| Calling Party Name        |                                                         |
| Called Party              | This setting allows you to send transformed called      |
| Transformation CSS        | party number in SETUP message for outgoing calls. Make  |
|                           | sure that the Called Party Transformation CSS that you  |
|                           | choose contains the called party transformation pattern |
|                           | that you want to assign to this device.                 |
|                           |                                                         |
|                           | Note:                                                   |
|                           |                                                         |
|                           | If the Called Party Transformation CSS is configured    |
|                           | as <None>, the transformation does not match and does   |
|                           | not get applied. Ensure that you configure the Called   |
|                           | Party Transformation CSS in a non-null partition that   |
|                           | is not used for routing.                                |
| Use Device Pool Called    | Select the check box.                                   |
| Party Transformation CSS  |                                                         |
| Allow Control Of Device   | Select the check box.                                   |
| From CTI                  |                                                         |
| Logged Into Hunt Group    | Select the check box.                                   |
| Calling Party             | This setting allows you to send transformed calling     |
| Transformation CSS        | party number in SETUP message for outgoing calls.       |
| (Caller ID For Calls      | Also when redirection occurs for outbound calls, this   |
| From This Phone)          | CSS will be used to transform the connected number      |
|                           | sent from Cisco Unified Communications Manager side in  |
|                           | outgoing NOTIFY messages. Make sure that the Calling    |
|                           | Party Transformation CSS that you choose contains the   |
|                           | calling party transformation pattern that you want to   |
|                           | assign to this device.                                  |
|                           |                                                         |
|                           | Note:                                                   |
|                           |                                                         |
|                           | If the Calling Party Transformation CSS is configured   |
|                           | as <None>, the transformation does not match and does   |
|                           | not get applied. Ensure that you configure the Calling  |
|                           | Party Transformation Pattern in a non-null partition    |
|                           | that is not used for routing.                           |
| Use Device Pool Calling   |                                                         |
| Party Transformation CSS  | Select the check box.                                   |
| (Caller ID for Calls From |                                                         |
| This Phone)               |                                                         |
| Calling Party             |                                                         |
| Transformation CSS        |                                                         |
| (Device Mobility Related  |                                                         |
| Information)              |                                                         |
| Use Device Pool Calling   |                                                         |
| Party Transformation CSS  | Select the check box.                                   |
| (Device Mobility Related  |                                                         |
| Information)              |                                                         |
|                           | Choose the presence group for busy                      |
|                           | lamp field buttons from the drop-down                   |
| BLF Presence Group \*     | list. For example: **Standard Presence                  |
|                           | group** is the default value. This is                   |
|                           | a mandatory field.                                      |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                     | Description                            |
|                           | Choose options from the drop-down      |
| Device Security           | list. For example: Analog Phone -      |
| Profile \*                | Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile. This |
|                           | is mandatory field.                    |
|                           | If you leave the value <None>, this    |
| MLPP Domain               | device inherits its MLPP domain from   |
|                           | the value that was set for the device  |
|                           | pool of this device.                   |
|                           |                                        |
|                           | If the device pool does not have an    |
|                           | MLPP Domain setting, this device       |
|                           | inherits its MLPP domain from the value|
|                           | that was set for the MLPP Domain       |
|                           | Identifier enterprise parameter.       |
|                           | Choose options from the drop-down      |
| MLPP Indication           | list. For example: **On**, **Off**, or |
|                           | **Default**. This is a mandatory field.|
|                           | Choose options from the drop-down      |
|                           | list. For example: **Disabled**,       |
|                           | **Forceful**, or **Default**. This is  |
|                           | a mandatory field.                     |
|                           |                                        |
|                           | Note:                                  |
| MLPP Preemption           |                                        |
|                           | If there are any changes to be         |
|                           | performed to analog phone line then do |
|                           | not refer line settings. For example:  |
|                           | Changing CSS is done under Subscriber  |
|                           | Management.                            |
| Line                      | Click \+ to expand **Line**.           |
| Pattern \*                | Choose the route pattern from the      |
|                           | drop-down list. For example: 08231006  |
| Enduser                   | Click \+ to expand **Enduser**.        |
|                           | Choose the available user ID from the  |
| User ID                   | drop-down list. For example:           |
|                           | Subscriber 1                           |
| Product Specific          | Click \+ to expand **Product Specific  |
| Configuration Layout      | Configuration Layout**.                |
|                           | Enter the Key for the product specific |
| Key                       | configuration layout. For example:     |
|                           | stcappRegCap.                          |
| Value                     | Enter the Value for the product        |
|                           | specific configuration layout. For     |
|                           | example: 0.                            |

.. note::

   For more optional field information, see :ref:`configure_phones`.

.. _mgcp_endpoints_fields:

MGCP Endpoints Fields

You can configure multiple endpoints for an MGCP gateway.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Option                    | Description                                                            |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                                 |
| Domain Name               | the analog gateway for the MGCP                                        |
|                           | protocol. This is a mandatory field.                                   |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                                 |
| Slot \*                   | the gateway units. This is a mandatory                                 |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                                 |
| Subunit Position \*       | the gateway units. This is a mandatory                                 |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                                 |
| Port Number \*            | the gateway units. This is a mandatory                                 |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
|                           | Choose the product type from the drop                                  |
| Product Type \*           | down list. For example: Analog Phone.                                  |
|                           | This is a mandatory field.                                             |
|                           | Choose the device protocol from the                                    |
| Device Protocol \*        | drop-down list. For example: SCCP.                                     |
|                           | This is a mandatory field.                                             |
|                           | This is a read-only field except when                                  |
| Protocol Side \*          | creating a device. This is a mandatory                                 |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
| Class \*                  | This is a read-only field except when                                  |
|                           | creating a device. This is a mandatory                                 |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
|                           | This read-only field is populated from                                 |
| Device Name \*            | the analog gateway. This is a                                          |
|                           | mandatory field.                                                       |
| Description               | When the endpoint is added, the default description is in the format:  |
|                           | *Endpoint for slot/subunit/port n/n/n gateway @domain*                 |
|                           | that can be updated if required. This is an optional field and accepts |
|                           | a string value.                                                        |
| Device Pool               | Choose the device pool from the drop-down                              |
|                           | list. For example: Cu2Si2-DevicePool. This is a mandatory field.       |
| Calling Search Space      | Choose the calling search space name from the                          |
|                           | drop-down list. This is an optional                                    |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
| Common Device             | Specify the Configuration name of                                      |
| Configuration             | the device. This is an optional field.                                 |
| Network Locale            | Choose the location from the drop-down                                 |
|                           | list. This is an optional field.                                       |
|                           | Choose a location from the drop-down                                   |
| Location \*               | list. For example: Cu2Si2-Location.                                    |
|                           | This is a mandatory field.                                             |
| Media Resource Group List | Enter a media resource to allocate                                     |
|                           | for a device. This is an optional                                      |
|                           | field.                                                                 |
|                           | Choose the appropriate calling search                                  |
|                           | space for the device to use when it                                    |
| AAR calling search space  | performs automated alternate routing                                   |
|                           | (AAR) from the drop-down list. This is                                 |
|                           | an optional field.                                                     |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                     | Description                              |
|                           | Choose one of the following values:      |   
|                           |                                          | 
| User Trusted Relay Point  | * **Off** - Choose this value to disable |
|                           |   the use of a Trusted Relay Point       |
|                           |   (TRP) with this device. This setting   |
|                           |   overrides the Use Trusted Relay        | 
|                           |   Point setting in the common device     | 
|                           |   configuration with which this device   | 
|                           |   associates.                            | 
|                           |                                          | 
|                           | * **On** - Choose this value to enable   |
|                           |   the use of a TRP with this device.     |
|                           |   This setting overrides the Use         |
|                           |   Trusted Relay Point setting in the     |
|                           |   common device configuration with       |
|                           |   which this device associates.          |
|                           |                                          | 
|                           | * **Default** - If you choose this value,|
|                           |   the device uses the Use Trusted        |
|                           |   Relay Point setting from the common    |
|                           |   device configuration with which this   |
|                           |   device associates.                     |
|                           | Specify the automated alternate          |
|                           | routing (AAR) group for this device.     |
| AAR Group                 | The AAR group provides the prefix        |
|                           | digits that are used to route calls      |
|                           | that are otherwise blocked due to        |
|                           | insufficient bandwidth.                  |
| Geolocation               | Specify the location name. This is an    |
|                           | optional field.                          |
| Transmit UTF-8 for        | Keep the check box clear.                |
| Calling Party Name        |                                          |
| Port Number \*            | Configure the ports for the MGCP         |
|                           | Endpoint. This is a mandatory field.     |
| Trunk \*                  | This field value auto-populates          |
|                           | depending on the value set for the       |
|                           | Port Number. This is a mandatory         |
|                           | field.                                   |
| Trunk Direction \*        | The field value auto-populates           |
|                           | depending on the value set for the       |
|                           | Number. This is a mandatory field.       |
| Trunk Level \*            | The field value auto-populates           |
|                           | depending on the value set for the       |
|                           | Number. This is a mandatory field.       |
| Attendant DN              | Specify this field for group start       |
|                           | and loop start. This is a mandatory      |
|                           | field.                                   |
| Prefix DN                 | Enter the prefix digits that are         |
|                           | appended to the digits that this trunk   |
|                           | receives on incoming calls.              |
| Num Digits \*             | Enter the number of significant digits   |
|                           | to collect between 0 to 32.              |
| Expected Digits \*        | Enter the number of digits that are      |
|                           | expected on the inbound side of the      |
|                           | trunk. You can leave zero as the         |
|                           | default value, if you are unsure.        |

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                     | Description                            |
|                           | Enter the first SMDI port number of    |
|                           | the T1 span.                           | 
|                           |                                        |
| SMDI Port Number          | If you set this parameter to a nonxero |
| (0 - 4096) \*             | value and this gateway belongs to an   |
|                           | unknown type of route list, route      |
|                           | group, or route list, hunting does not |
|                           | continue beyond this span.             |
| Unattended Port           | Select this check box to indicate an   |
|                           | unattended port on this device.        |
| Line                      | Click + to expand **Line**.            |
|                           | Use this field only if you do not want |
|                           | the directory number to show on the    |
| Label                     | line appearance. Enter text that       |
|                           | identifies this directory number for a |
|                           | line and phone combination.            |
|                           | Indicate a phone number (or mask) that |
|                           | is used to send Caller ID information  |
|                           | when a call is placed from the line.   |
|                           |                                        |
|                           | You can enter a maximum of 24 numbers, |
|                           | the international escape character +   |
| E164 Mask                 | and 'X' characters. The Xs represent   |
|                           | the directory number and must appear   |
|                           | at the end of the pattern. For example,|
|                           | if you specify a mask of 972813XXXX,   |
|                           | an external call from extension 1234   |
|                           | displays a caller ID number of         |
|                           | 9728131234.                            |
| Dirn, Pattern \*          | Choose the route pattern from the      |
|                           | drop-down list. For example: 08231006. |
|                           | Choose the partition to which the      |
|                           | directory number belongs. Make sure    |
|                           | that the directory number that you     |
|                           | enter in the **Directory Number** field|
| Dirn, Route Partition     | is unique within the partition that    |
|                           | you choose. If you do not want to      |
|                           | restrict access to the directory       |
|                           | number, choose <None> for the          |
|                           | partition.                             |
| Enduser                   | Click + to expand **Enduser**.         |
| User ID                   | Choose the available user ID from      |
|                           | drop-down list. For example:           |
|                           | Subscriber 1.                          |
| Index                     | This field is the line position on     |
|                           | the device. If left blank, an integer  |
|                           | is automatically assigned.             |
| Trunk Selection Order \*  | Choose the order from the drop-down    |
|                           | list to display the call routing logic |
|                           | for the route pattern.                 |

.. _product_specific_config_layout_fields:

Config: Product Specific Configuration Layout Fields

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3.5cm}|p{12cm}|

| Field                     | Description                            |
| Key                       | Enter the Key for the product-specific |
|                           | configuration Layout. For example      |
|                           | stcappRegCap.                          |
| Value                     | Enter the Key for the product-specific |
|                           | configuration layout. For example: 0.  |