Set up a Command Builder

This procedure sets up a Command Builder that contains an IOS Commands template for an event.


One event can trigger multiple Command Builders.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the level where you want to define your Command Builder.

  3. Choose Apps Management > IOS > Command Builder.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Provide the following information:

    Field Description
    Name Enter a unique name for the builder. This field is mandatory.
    Event Name Select the event that triggers the builder. This field is mandatory
    Description Enter a description for the builder.
    Command Template Enter the IOS Commands template for the event, one command per line. You can use macros in the IOS Commands template for variable substitution.
    Enabled Clear the Enabled check box to create a builder but not have it available to run.
    Applicable Device Type Select the device type that the commands can run on. This field is mandatory.
  6. Click Save.