Run a Seach

This procedure performs a search in the Business Admin Portal.

  1. Log in to the Business Admin Portal.

  2. Click the Search icon (magnifying glass icon on the toolbar).

  3. In the search pop-up, choose a feature or service to search on, such as:

    • Subscribers
    • Phones
    • Lines
    • Internal Number Inventory
    • Hunt Groups
    • Sites
    • Voicemail

    Options in the drop-down are permissions-based, and defined by your administrator.

  4. Configure search criteria:

    • Select Field: the item’s attributes, for example for Subscriber you can choose User ID, Phone Name and so on.
    • Select Condition: a match operator to be applied to a search value.


    • Enter criteria in the Enter Search Value field, and choose string case sensitivity.

    • To add additional criteria, select Add Search Condition, and fill out values.

      You can remove and edit search criteria before running the search.

  5. Click Search.

  6. View results.

    The search results list header displays the search criteria, and search displays as column filters in the list.


  • To search for rows with no value in a selected column, choose any Filter Type option, select the Ignore Case check box and type None in the Value. This works for all list views except Subscriber.
  • The Located At column will only filter on the actual hierarchy name and not the displayed text next to it, for example “site”, “customer”, and so on.
  • When sorting, a blank value appears as if the value was “None” in terms of alphabetical order
  • With no search filter applied, sort works on any column in the list view.
  • With a search filter applied to a single column, sort works on the search filtered column only.
  • With a search filter applied to more than one column, the sort functionality will not work.
  • The sorting of columns (ascending or descending) by clicking column headers while a search filter is applied, is only supported for Starts With search filters.
  • Leading spaces on a field in the list view are dropped when rendering the list view, so this may affect the sort order.

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