Call Pickup Groups

The Call Pickup Groups landing page provides an overview of the items and tasks available at the Organization Selection level:

  • A Counter that indicates the number of Call Pickup Groups.

  • Quick Actions that provide the following hyperlinks:

    • View Call Pickup Groups - Opens a list view showing all Call Pickup Groups at that level.

      Click on a Call Pickup Group to open the selected detail dashboard.

    • Add Call Pickup Group

      If you are using partitions with the call pickup numbers, ensure that the directory numbers that are assigned to the call pickup group have a Calling Search Space that includes the appropriate partitions. We recommend using CU{macro}-PreISR-PT partition for the call pickup groups added at the customer level.

      The Call Pickup Group Number drop-down lists the call pickup groups created at the customer and the site level. Select the required call pickup group numbers from both the customer and the site level.

      Added members are only seen if the Call Pickup Group and its members are at the same organization level.

      Verify the individual Member Line association with the Call Pickup Groups. The Call Pickup Group under the Lines list displays associated Call Pickup Groups.

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