Select a CUCM Group

  1. Log in as a Provider administrator and select Customer Management > Advanced > CUCM Group Selection.

  2. The list of existing CUCM Group Selection configurations at the Provider hierarchy are listed.

    Click Add to create a configuration. A hierarchy pop-up will show to choose the customer hierarchy at which the configuration should apply.

  3. Choose a Name for the configuration. The default name is the hierarchy name.

  4. Choose an Algorithm to apply to the CUCM Group Selection:

    • If Use Default is selected, the Site Defaults doc is updated if necessary so that the Default CUCM Group is applied.

      Note: The CUCM Group called Default is always used when adding a Site unless the “Least utilized” algorithm has been selected. Default will also be the fallback CUCM Group in the event that all CUCM Groups have been excluded from the selection.

    • If Least utilized CUCM Group is selected from the Algorithm drop-down, options are available to include and exclude specific CUCM groups from the algorithm.

      • If no groups are included or excluded, all groups available at the customer hierarchy are considered by the algorithm.
      • If groups are added to the CUCM Groups to Include, only these groups are considered by the algorithm.
      • If groups are added to the CUCM Groups to Exclude, these groups are not considered by the algorithm, unless they have also been added to the Groups to Include.

      The table below summarizes the options and outcomes:

Group Selection Algorithm Include List Exclude List Result Comment
No Use Default N/A N/A Default Falls back to Default always
Yes Use Default None None Default  
Yes Least utilized None None Least utilized  
Yes Least utilized Yes None Least utilized From the groups in the included list.
Yes Least utilized None Yes Least utilized Least utilized from all groups except in the exclude list.
Yes Least utilized Yes Yes Least utilized From the groups in the included list. Note that the exclude list will be ignored in this case.
  1. Click Save to save the configuration for the customer hierarchy. When a new site is created, the Default CUCM Group in the Site Defaults Doc is updated to reflect the configuration, so that any sites that are now created under this customer hierarchy will apply the calculated CUCM Group.

    Note that an administrator can override this calculated CUCM Group by manually updating the Site Defaults Doc.