.. _set_up_a_command_builder:

Set up a Command Builder

This procedure sets up a Command Builder that contains an IOS Commands
template for an event.

.. note::

   One event can trigger multiple Command Builders.

**Perform these steps**:

1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.
2. Set the hierarchy path to the level where you want to define your Command Builder.
3. Choose **Apps Management > IOS > Command Builder**.
4. Click **Add**.
5. Provide the following information:

   | Field                  | Description                              |
   | Name                   | Enter a unique name for the builder.     |
   |                        | This field is mandatory.                 |
   | Event Name             | Select the event that triggers the       |
   |                        | builder. This field is mandatory         |
   | Description            | Enter a description for the builder.     |
   |                        | Enter the IOS Commands template for the  |
   | Command Template       | event, one command per line. You can use |
   |                        | macros in the IOS Commands template for  |
   |                        | variable substitution.                   |
   |                        | Clear the **Enabled** check box to create|
   | Enabled                | a builder but not have it available to   |
   |                        | run.                                     |
   | Applicable Device Type | Select the device type that the commands |
   |                        | can run on. This field is mandatory.     |

6. Click **Save**.