.. _role_management:

Add and Edit Roles

Provider administrators can manage the roles that are available for
administrators, operators, and users at lower levels in the hierarchy.

.. note::

   References to HCM-F and Shared Data Repository (SDR) are only relevant if

.. rubric:: Edit an Existing Role

To edit an existing role: 

#. Log in as provider administrator. 
#. Go to **Role Management > Roles**.
#. Locate the role you want to change; then, click on the role to open it. 
#. Update the role settings, as required.
#. Save your changes. 

.. rubric:: Add a New Role

To add a new role:

1. Log in as provider administrator.
2. Choose **Role Management > Roles**.
3. Click **Add**.
4. Define role settings: 

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{3cm}|p{12cm}|

| Setting               | Description                            |
| Name*                 | Name of the role. This field is        |
|                       | mandatory.                             |
|                       | Controls which HCM-F components (FF or |
|                       | SA) that users with this role have     |
| Hcs Component Access* | access to. Used with **Hierarchy Type**|
|                       | and **Service Assurance Role Type**    |
|                       | when mapping roles to HCM-F. This field|
|                       | is mandatory.                          |
|                       | Controls read/write access to HCM-F    |
| Service Assurance     | components. Used with **Hierarchy      |
| Role Type*            | Type** and **Hcs Component Access**    |
|                       | when mapping roles to HCM-F. This field|
|                       | is mandatory.                          |
|                       | The type of hierarchy nodes applicable |
|                       | at the selected hierarchy level. For   |
|                       | example, at Provider level, the        |
|                       | following values are allowed:          |
|                       | Provider, Reseller, Customer, and      |
|                       | Site. While at the Reseller level, the |
| Hierarchy Type*       | following values are allowed:          |
|                       | Reseller, Customer, Site. Controls     |
|                       | which roles are available at which     |
|                       | levels in the hierarchy. Also used     |
|                       | with **Hcs Component Access** and      |
|                       | **Service Assurance Role Type** when   |
|                       | mapping roles to HCM-F. This field is  |
|                       | mandatory.                             |
| Description           | Description of the role.               |
|                       | Permissions for resources are defined  |
| Access Profile*       | in Access Profiles. This field is      |
|                       | mandatory.                             |
|                       | The menu layout assigned to the role.  |
| Menu Layout           | Controls the menu options available to |
|                       | users assigned to the role.            |
|                       | The home page assigned with the role.  |
| Landing Page          | Controls what the home page looks like |
|                       | for users assigned to the role.        |
|                       | The name of the theme assigned to the  |
| Theme*                | role. The theme controls the overall   |
|                       | look and feel of the Admin Portal.     |
|                       | This field is mandatory.               |
| Self Service Feature  | The selected Self Service Feature      |
| Display Policy        | Display Policy that is associated to   |
|                       | the role.                              |
| Self Service Links    | Provide useful links to Self Service   |
|                       | end users.                             |
| Custom Interfaces     | Add Interface Types and Names for the  |
|                       | role. The available custom Interface   |
|                       | Type is                                |
|                       | InterfaceBusinessAdminPortal, which    |
|                       | provides access to the Business Portal |
|                       | Admin Portal. Choose profile MS Only   |
|                       | for admins to manage Microsoft         |
|                       | subscribers in the Business Admin      |
|                       | Portal.                                |

5. Click **Save** to save the role.