Error Messages¶
The tables below provide:
- an error code range reference
- message details of the error codes
To inspect application log messages from the command line, set the debug level on and view the app log. Refer to the Platform Guide for more details.
voss set_debug 1
log view voss-deviceapi/app.log
The message strings are shown in their template format: references to specific properties are shown as placeholders that are represented by {} .
For AuthError codes, the following rules apply:
- For API version 11.5.3 and below, only the AuthError_11_5_3 table messages apply.
- For API greater than 11.5.3, AuthError table messages override the corresponding AuthError_11_5_3 table messages, while the unchanged AuthError_11_5_3 table messages still apply.
RuleError | Message | HTTP Code |
15000 | Invalid hierarchy for this operation. Please select new hierarchy. | 449 |
15001 | Multiple devices found at this Hierarchy level. Please select device. | 449 |
15002 | Multiple network device lists (NDL) found at this Hierarchy. Please select a NDL. | 449 |
15003 | Network device list reference (NDLR) not found at this Hierarchy. | 449 |
15004 | Network device list (NDL) with pkid [{}] not found in available list. Please check NDL rule at the Hierarchy | 400 |
15005 | No network device lists (NDL) found at this Hierarchy. | 449 |
15999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
TransactionError | Message | HTTP Code |
23000 | Unable to determine Transaction ID. | 400 |
23001 | Transaction must be registered with valid user details. | 400 |
23002 | Transaction not found. | 404 |
23003 | Transaction must be viewed with valid user details. | 400 |
23004 | {} (MAX_INSTANCES_EXCEEDED) | 400 |
23005 | Invalid Transaction State: {} | 400 |
23006 | Transaction canceled. | 400 |
23007 | Transaction must be registered with the hierarchy in which it is executing. | 400 |
23008 | Transaction must be registered with model_type if pkid is provided. | 400 |
23010 | The current filter caused a long running request. Please add more filter fields, use Case Sensitive or change the criteria types to one of {}. | 400 |
23011 | Invalid choices field [{}]. | 400 |
23012 | The [{0}] condition on field [{1}], is not allowed. | 400 |
23013 | Invalid start and end date range provided in filter. | 400 |
23014 | Invalid start and end ID range provided in filter. | 400 |
23015 | Invalid ID value in filter | 400 |
23999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
ListUtilError | Message | HTTP Code |
20000 | Invalid query dictionary, expected 1 key! | 400 |
20999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
AllError | Message | HTTP Code |
999999 | All Error | 400 |
ForeignKeyError | Message | HTTP Code |
24000 | Could not resolve foreign key to {model_type} with “{attr_name}: {attr_value}”. | 400 |
24999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
ChoicesError | Message | HTTP Code |
26000 | Instance context for choices not valid, instance: {instance} | 400 |
26999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
CnfError | Message | HTTP Code |
40000 | Device change notifications are not supported for device {}. | 400 |
40001 | Device change notification data for device {} has been lost. Tracking data has been repaired and collector process will continue. Some changes may have been lost, please run a full sync on the device. | 400 |
40002 | Device change notification tracking data for device {} has become corrupted. Tracking data has been repaired and collector process will continue. Some changes may have been lost, please run a full sync on the device. | 400 |
40003 | Device change notification tracking DB write for device {} failed. The collector process will continue to attempt DB writes. Please investigate the database write failure. {} | 400 |
40004 | Device change notification data DB write for device {} failed. The collector process will continue to attempt DB writes. Please investigate the database write failure. {} | 400 |
40005 | Unable to repair device change notification tracking data for device {}. {} | 400 |
40006 | Too many unprocessed changes recorded for device {}. No new changes will be recorded until at least {} changes are processed. Please configure and run the necessary data syncs. | 400 |
40008 | Could not update pending changes data for device {}. {}. | 400 |
40010 | Unable to clear device change notifications for device {}. {}. | 400 |
PackageError | Message | HTTP Code |
17000 | Unable to load package. Package ({}) depends on ({}) but it does not exist. | 400 |
17001 | Unable to load package. Package ({}) requires ({} {}) but {} is currently loaded. | 400 |
17999 | Unable to load package. {} | 400 |
CascadeDeleteError | Message | HTTP Code |
13000 | Hierarchy path or pkid required | 400 |
13001 | Could not delete {} out of {} resources. | 400 |
13002 | Could not move the following resources that failed to delete: {}. | 400 |
13999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
WebExError | Message | HTTP Code |
31000 | [{}] Site Name or Site ID must at least be specified | 400 |
CertificateError | Message | HTTP Code |
25001 | Certificate request cannot be exported while “Generate Certificate Signing Request” is not set. | 400 |
25002 | Certificate can only be imported when “Generate Certificate Signing Request” is set. | 400 |
25003 | Certificate upload failed. | 400 |
25004 | Uploaded file is not a certificate in .pem format. | 400 |
25005 | The SSL certificate expired. | 400 |
25999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
FileUploadError | Message | HTTP Code |
39000 | Can not determine supported file extensions. | 400 |
39001 | ‘{}’ does not have a valid file extension. | 400 |
39002 | File is too large. Maximum permitted file size is {} bytes. | 400 |
BulkLoadError | Message | HTTP Code |
10000 | File Upload Error for File Name : ({}) | 400 |
10001 | File Encoding Error : ({}) | 400 |
10002 | Only valid Excel xlsx files are accepted | 400 |
10003 | General Error; ({}) | 400 |
10004 | {success} out of {total} items loaded successfully. | 400 |
10005 | Resource data was not found in worksheet ‘{worksheet}’. | 400 |
10006 | Both parallel and serial are not allowed in ‘{worksheet}’. | 400 |
10007 | Differing parallel_transaction_limit values are not allowed in ‘{worksheet}’. | 400 |
10008 | Invalid value of ‘{limit}’ for parallel_transaction_limit header in ‘{worksheet}’, should be left blank or a number between 1 and 100(inclusive). | 400 |
10010 | Data does not conform to schema; ({}) | 400 |
10011 | Hierarchy not specified for row with data; ({}) | 400 |
10012 | ‘{user}’ is not permitted access to resources at ‘{hierarchy}’. | 403 |
10020 | Hierarchy ‘{hierarchy}’ was not found. | 400 |
10021 | Action ‘{action}’ not allowed. | 400 |
10022 | Action ‘{action}’ not allowed for model ‘{model}’. | 400 |
10030 | User ‘{username}’ is not allowed to {operation} {model_type}. | 403 |
10040 | Fields do not exist in {model}: {fields}. | 400 |
10041 | No search fields specified in row. | 400 |
10042 | More than one resource found. Search fields ‘{search}’. | 400 |
10043 | Resource not found. Search fields ‘{search}’. | 400 |
10044 | Malformed search fields: {fields}. | 400 |
10045 | Malformed fields{message}: {fields}. | 400 |
10046 | Can not find meta actions for specified resource instance. | 400 |
10047 | Malformed entity header ‘{header}’ in cell ‘{cell}’ worksheet ‘{sheet}’. | 400 |
10050 | Can not enforce data type ‘{data_type}’ on ‘{data}’. Row data: {row_data} | 400 |
10051 | An internal error occurred while processing workbook ‘{filename}’{note} | 400 |
10052 | The specified meta_prefix ‘{meta_prefix}’ in sheet ‘{sheet_name}’ is invalid. | 400 |
10053 | The specified meta_prefix ‘{meta_prefix}’ in sheet ‘{sheet_name}’ was not found in base headers. | 400 |
10054 | The following base headers ‘{headers}’ in ‘{sheet_name}’ are prefixed, but meta_prefix is not specified. | 400 |
10061 | No match for device ‘{device}’. | 400 |
10062 | XLSX File Error: ({}) | 400 |
CnfWarning | Message | HTTP Code |
45000 | Unprocessed changes at 75%% of limit for device {}. Please configure and run the necessary data syncs. | 400 |
DataSyncError | Message | HTTP Code |
29000 | Could not find user executing data sync operation. | 500 |
29001 | User [{}] does not have {} {} permissions. | 403 |
29002 | Could not establish a test connection to the device. Verify that your device connection details are correct. | 400 |
29003 | Aborting operation. Reason: {} | 400 |
29005 | Auth Error while testing connection to device | 400 |
29999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 500 |
WorkflowError | Message | HTTP Code |
7000 | Workflow not found | 400 |
7001 | Maximum workflow recursion depth exceeded | 400 |
7002 | Invalid workflow script identifier {} | 400 |
7003 | Specified workflow script name {} not found | 400 |
7004 | Error looking up workflow script names against API | 400 |
7005 | Invalid workflow action | 400 |
7006 | {} (FAILED) | 400 |
7007 | Advanced Find Options invalid - Resource not found with options {} | 400 |
7008 | {} (CONDITION_CONSTRAINT) | 400 |
7009 | Advanced Find Options invalid - More than one resource found with options {} | 400 |
7010 | Network Device List {} does not contain an entry for type {} | 400 |
7011 | Workflow operation Sync not supported for type {} | 400 |
7012 | No target device found for Workflow Sync operation | 400 |
7999 | Unexpected error occurred. | 400 |
ExpectError | Message | HTTP Code |
35000 | The expect binary is not present in the path on the server | 500 |
35001 | There was an error executing the expect script : {} | 500 |
ResourceError | Message | HTTP Code |
4000 | Error, Cannot delete Hierarchy until all resources under it are removed | 400 |
4001 | Error, Duplicate Resource Found. {} | 400 |
4002 | Resource Not Found {} | 404 |
4003 | Failed to save {}. {} | 400 |
4004 | Failed to save {}. {} | 400 |
4005 | Model Type cannot be None when adding a new Resource | 400 |
4006 | Resource Parent {} not found | 400 |
4007 | Resource Meta structure corrupt for {} | 400 |
4008 | Cannot create a Resource without a Parent Hierarchy | 400 |
4009 | Failed to save {}. {} | 400 |
4010 | Cannot find Resource relation {} | 400 |
4011 | Cannot find target device for model type {} in current hierarchy context | 400 |
4012 | Cannot find summary attr [{}] in schema root | 400 |
4013 | Cannot perform operation, model {} already has one or more instances | 400 |
4014 | Cannot perform operation, resource is part of domain model {} | 400 |
4015 | Resource Meta structure corrupt. {} | 400 |
4016 | Badly-formed schema; “properties” missing for data type “object” | 400 |
4017 | Cannot perform operation, model {} is already referenced by one or more resources: {} | 400 |
4018 | Failed to execute {}. {} | 400 |
4019 | One or more errors occurred during import | 400 |
4020 | Transaction resource failed with errors {} | 400 |
4021 | Resources are not of the same type | 400 |
4022 | Model type for Resources not found | 400 |
4023 | Cannot move Hierarchy Node {} to {} | 400 |
4024 | Resource move failed with error {} | 400 |
4025 | Invalid business key {}, expected {} | 400 |
4026 | Cascade delete failed with error {} | 400 |
4027 | Invalid business key for import. Did not expect path, found {}. | 400 |
4028 | Resource move failed, Device at source hierarchy [{}] is different from the target hierarchy [{}] | 400 |
4029 | Resource [{}] cannot be accessed by user [{}] | 403 |
4030 | Cannot perform operation. Hierarchy Node Type [{}] is reserved. | 400 |
4031 | Search index is not up to date. Please notify your administrator before proceeding | 400 |
4032 | Attempting to create hierarchy node ‘{}’ is not permitted. | 403 |
4033 | Could not update reference cache, from: {}, reference: {}, error: {} | 403 |
4034 | Resource move failed, hierarchy [{}] of type [{}] does not contain an NDLR | 400 |
4999 | Unhandled Resource Error | 400 |
MacroError | Message | HTTP Code |
6000 | Template must be a dictionary - got {} | 400 |
6001 | No hierarchy supplied | 400 |
6002 | Invalid macro specified: {} | 400 |
6003 | Macro lookup of {} failed at hierarchy {} | 400 |
6004 | Macro lookup of {} returned multiple values {} at hierarchy {} | 400 |
6005 | Macro lookup of {} failed when fetching from {} at hierarchy {} | 400 |
6006 | Macro lookup failed for field {} in context {} | 400 |
6007 | Macro lookup failed for field {} in context {}, type str or int expected not type dict {} | 400 |
6008 | Macro function {} not found | 400 |
6009 | Macro function arguments error - {} | 400 |
6010 | Macro function error - {} | 400 |
6011 | Unexpected business key format - {} | 400 |
6012 | Conditional Logic error occurred - {} | 400 |
6013 | Custom Macro function {} not found | 400 |
6014 | Custom Macro function {} not secure or contains invalid strings | 400 |
6015 | Could not parse the WhereClause Error:{} WhereClause:{} Please check quotation | 400 |
6016 | Lookup field {} not supported/permitted. | 400 |
6017 | Filter field: {} not in fields: {}. | 400 |
6018 | Incorrect hierarchy direction, {}. Allowed: {}. | 400 |
6019 | Error in macro function ‘{}’ - {} | 400 |
6999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
InternalError | Message | HTTP Code |
1000 | Cannot import Python model name {} | 404 |
1001 | Python Type error | 400 |
1002 | {} must be an integer | 400 |
1003 | Improperly configured settings, {} | 400 |
GraphLookupError | Message | HTTP Code |
37000 | Cannot perform operation, Resource with pkid [{}] cannot be accessed. | 403 |
AuthError | Message | HTTP Code |
27000 | {} (INCORRECT_PASSWORD_ERROR) | 401 |
27009 | Please enter a valid username and password. | 401 |
27013 | External (SSO or LDAP) authentication is required. | 401 |
27014 | Please enter valid answers to security questions. | 401 |
ModelError | Message | HTTP Code |
5000 | [{}] Child model exists; ({}) | 400 |
5001 | [{}] Model already exists; ({}) | 400 |
5002 | One or more data sync errors occurred; ({}) | 400 |
5003 | [{}] The helper cannot instantiate a model it does not recognize; ({}) | 400 |
5004 | [{}] The specified resource could not be found; ({}) | 404 |
5005 | [{}] A single model instance was expected but more than one was found; ({}) | 404 |
5006 | [{}] Attempt to modify a read-only model failed; ({}) | 400 |
5007 | [{}] Attempt to modify a read-only model field failed; ({}) | 400 |
5008 | [{}] Data does not conform to schema; {} | 400 |
5009 | [{}] Validation failed; {} | 400 |
5010 | [{}] Error manipulating schema; ({}) | 400 |
5011 | [{}] Error generating schema; ({}) | 400 |
5012 | [{}] Invalid foreign key to {} for business keys {} | 400 |
5013 | [{}] Badly-formed schema; ({}) | 400 |
5014 | [{}] Error deriving field value; {} | 400 |
5015 | Singleton constraint violated: Only one instance of [{}] is allowed per {}. | 400 |
5016 | The existing device in [{}] model cannot be modified, it is referenced by other resources. | 400 |
5017 | [{}] Invalid foreign key to {} for value {} | 400 |
5018 | [{}] Operation not supported for model instance; ({}) | 405 |
5019 | [{}] Operation not supported; ({}) | 405 |
5020 | Unable to determine workflow for operation “{}” | 400 |
5021 | Workflow “{}” not found | 400 |
5022 | Workflow operation “{}” clashes with an existing model attribute/method | 400 |
5023 | Unable to execute {} workflow. {} | 400 |
5024 | Unable to compile data for provisioning workflow for {}, error {} | 400 |
5025 | [{}] Connection timeout error after ({}) seconds | 400 |
5026 | [{}] Connection error; ({}) | 400 |
5027 | [{}] API retry error; ({}) | 503 |
5028 | [{}] Authentication error; ({}) | 400 |
5029 | [{}] Attempt to add a contradicting rule; ({}) | 400 |
5030 | [{}] Phones of this type must be added as gateway endpoints | 400 |
5031 | [{}] Unable to add NDLR to hierarchy node containing device models belonging to devices not referenced by NDLR | 400 |
5032 | [{}] Unable to query API with available data [{}] | 400 |
5033 | Retries exhausted; ({}) | 400 |
5050 | Password cannot be reused. | 400 |
5051 | New password must have {} characters different from old password. | 400 |
5052 | User cannot change their password more than once within {} day(s). Please contact your administrator. | 400 |
5053 | Password does not meet minimum length required. | 400 |
5054 | Password {}. | 400 |
5200 | Invalid connection parameters for {}. Username and Password must specified for BASIC authentication method. | 400 |
5201 | Invalid connection parameters for {}. Token must specified for OAUTH authentication method. | 400 |
5202 | [{} {}] Unable to render model template [{}]. TEMPLATE: {} CONTEXT: {} | 400 |
5203 | [{} {}] Unable to parse API response. RESPONSE: {} | 400 |
5204 | Invalid connection parameters for {}. Hierarchy must be specified. | 400 |
5205 | [{}] Invalid paging parameters: page_size {} page_offset {} | 400 |
5206 | [{}] Paging required: page_size {} page_offset {} | 400 |
5207 | [{}] External response exceeded memory limit [{}] [{} {}] | 400 |
5208 | [{}] Template output exceeded memory limit [{}] [{}] | 400 |
5209 | [{}] Bad override for [{}] | 400 |
5210 | [{}] Session expired. The session cache has been cleared and the next request will go through successfully. | 400 |
5211 | [{}] Unable to authenticate using session based auth. {} | 400 |
5212 | [{}] Cannot add device {} | 400 |
5215 | [{}] Disallowed input [{}] | 400 |
5998 | [{0}] {1} | 400 |
5999 | Error, {}. (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
ApiError | Message | HTTP Code |
3000 | Hierarchy context may not be None, please select Hierarchy | 400 |
3001 | Error, Incorrect request format | 400 |
3002 | Error, Unhandled method for URL | 400 |
3003 | Invalid import file specified. {} | 400 |
3004 | Invalid export URL specified. {} | 400 |
3005 | Error, Invalid list view sort key [{}]. Valid options are {} | 400 |
3006 | Error, Invalid list direction [{}]. Valid options are {} | 400 |
3007 | Error, No schema available during list view | 400 |
3008 | Provisioning Workflow error [{}] | 400 |
3009 | Nothing to export | 400 |
3010 | List delete failed, error [{}] | 400 |
3011 | List size not allowed, requested [{}], maximum [{}] | 400 |
3012 | List sort by hierarchy path not allowed | 400 |
3013 | Function not implemented | 400 |
3014 | Attribute field name required | 400 |
3015 | Hierarchy path [{}] not found. | 400 |
3016 | Model type list [{}] not found at or above the current hierarchy. | 400 |
3017 | Bulk update failed, error [{}]. | 400 |
3018 | Bulk operation {} failed, error [{}]. | 400 |
3019 | Schemas of data being imported have cyclic foreign keys {}. | 400 |
3020 | Imported {} out of {} items successfully. | 400 |
3021 | {} is a required GET parameter. | 400 |
3022 | Invalid Range HTTP header: {} | 400 |
3023 | {} is an invalid GET parameter. | 400 |
3024 | Resource pkid(s) must be specified | 400 |
3025 | Request was throttled. | 429 |
3026 | Invalid UTC date format given: {0}, requires: {1} or {2} | 400 |
3027 | The current filter caused a long running request. Please add more filter fields, use Case Sensitive or change the criteria types to one of {}. | 400 |
3028 | Model Instance Filter [{}] not found at or above the current hierarchy. | 400 |
3029 | Purge failed, error [{}] | 400 |
3030 | Model Type List of [{}] type not valid for [{}] sync. | 400 |
3031 | Model Instance Filter of [{}] type not valid for [{}] sync. | 400 |
3032 | {} GET parameter has an invalid value. | 400 |
3999 | Unhandled API Error | 400 |
AuthError_11_5_3 | Message | HTTP Code |
27000 | {} (INCORRECT_PASSWORD_ERROR) | 403 |
27002 | {} (USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR) | 404 |
27003 | {} (LOGIN_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR) | 403 |
27004 | Account locked. Please contact your administrator. | 403 |
27005 | Too many failed login attempts for this user account. Try again later. | 403 |
27006 | Too many failed login attempts from this computer. Try again later. | 403 |
27007 | Your Web browser doesn’t appear to have cookies enabled. Cookies are required for logging in. | 400 |
27008 | User is not allowed to log in. | 403 |
27009 | Please enter a valid username and password. | 403 |
27010 | This account is inactive. | 403 |
27011 | User account password must be changed before any API requests are authorized. | 403 |
27012 | {} (ACCOUNT_DISABLED) | 403 |
27013 | External (SSO or LDAP) authentication is required. | 403 |
27014 | Please enter valid answers to security questions. | 403 |
27015 | Password reset is not available for user. | 403 |
27016 | Security questions and answers not set up. | 403 |
27017 | User can not log in to this interface. | 403 |
27018 | User is disabled due to inactivity | 403 |
27019 | User is not allowed to login. Please contact your administrator. | 403 |
27020 | Login is currently disabled due to a temporary overload. Please try again later. | 503 |
27021 | User is not allowed to log in. Maximum user login sessions has been reached. | 403 |
DatabaseError | Message | HTTP Code |
2000 | Cannot setup Mongo DB collection {} | 400 |
2001 | Find failed with spec={}, fields={}, skip={}, limit={}, sort_by={}, err={} | 400 |
2002 | Find one failed with spec={}, fields={}, err={} | 400 |
2003 | Get archive history failed with spec={}, fields={}, skip={}, limit={}, err={} | 400 |
2004 | Remove failed with spec={}, err={} | 400 |
2005 | Find and modify failed with spec={}, modify={}, err={} | 400 |
2006 | Save failed with spec={}, modify={}, err={} | 400 |
2007 | Count failed for {} | 400 |
2008 | Find failed with spec={}, fields={}, err={} | 400 |
2009 | Duplicate error with spec={}, modify={}, err={} | 400 |
2010 | Found more than one record with spec={} | 400 |
2100 | Error, Cannot connect to RESOURCE database collection | 400 |
2101 | Error, Cannot connect to DATA database collection | 400 |
2102 | Error, Cannot connect to ARCHIVE database collection | 400 |
2103 | Aggregate failed with group_by={}, match={}, aggregations={}, sort={}, err={} | 400 |
2104 | Bulk insert failed, err={} | 400 |
2106 | Bulk write failed, err={} | 400 |
2999 | Unhandled Database Error | 400 |
AuthenticationProxyError | Message | HTTP Code |
32000 | Cannot decode target user from authentication proxy. Error: {} | 400 |
32001 | Insufficient target user details specified by authentication proxy. Target user details must be contained in a JSON-formatted object with an email attribute. | 400 |
32002 | User [{}] is not a valid authentication proxy. | 400 |
32003 | Proxy user must be at a hierarchy above that of the target user. | 400 |
32004 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 500 |
LibSchemaError | Message | HTTP Code |
9000 | Unhandled schema property error: [{}] | 400 |
9001 | Unhandled schema and data processing error: [{}] | 400 |
9002 | Data type incorrect, property: {}, not of type: {} | 400 |
9999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
RbacError | Message | HTTP Code |
16000 | Permission denied: {}. | 400 |
16001 | User not found. | 400 |
16002 | Role not specified; User [{}] | 400 |
16003 | Access profile not specified; User [{}], Role [{}] | 400 |
16004 | Role not found; User [{}], Role [{}] | 400 |
16005 | Access profile not found; User [{}], Role [{}], Access Profile [{}] | 400 |
16006 | User [{username}] is not allowed to {operation} attribute(s) of {model_type} resource [{pkid}]. Attribute(s) in breach: {breach_attrs}. This operation must be performed by the user’s administrator. | 403 |
16007 | User [{username}] is not allowed to {operation} {model_type} resource [{pkid}]. This operation must be performed by the user’s administrator. | 403 |
16008 | Invalid authorization token detected. | 403 |
16009 | Role not found; Hierarchy [{}], Role [{}] | 400 |
16010 | Access profile [{}] not found for Role [{}] in or above Hierarchy [{}] | 400 |
16011 | Access profile of role [{}] is not a subset of the request user’s. | 400 |
16012 | SelfService Access Profile [{}] for Role [{}] at Hierarchy [{}] must not be created outside ‘sys’ hierarchy. | 400 |
16999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
SsoSettingsError | Message | HTTP Code |
30000 | Invalid certificate file found. | 400 |
30001 | Invalid key file found. | 400 |
30002 | Validity must not be negative or larger than {} hours ({} years). | 400 |
ApiVersionError | Message | HTTP Code |
38000 | Invalid API header version specified: {}. | 400 |
38001 | No API version mapping defined. | 400 |
38002 | API header version: {} and API parameter version: {} mismatch | 400 |
ExportError | Message | HTTP Code |
36000 | The export format is not specified in request. | 400 |
36001 | The specified export format is not supported. | 415 |
36002 | The worksheet was not initialized and can not be exported. | 500 |
DataImportError | Message | HTTP Code |
11000 | Multiple json files {} found in zip archive root; only 1 expected | 400 |
11001 | Import file validation failed with: {} | 400 |
11999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
InterfaceError | Message | HTTP Code |
50000 | Invalid interface value [{}] for header ‘X_INTERFACE’ | 403 |
50001 | No access profile associated with Interface [{}] | 403 |
BulkLoadMacroError | Message | HTTP Code |
60000 | Data type must be {} | 400 |
60001 | Invalid bulk load macro format {}. Supported format: {} | 400 |
MigrationError | Message | HTTP Code |
21000 | Post condition failed. {} | 400 |
21999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
CryptoError | Message | HTTP Code |
19000 | Cryptography validation failed; {}. | 400 |
19999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
Saml2SsoError | Message | HTTP Code |
14000 | Could not find SSO settings; Hierarchy: {}. | 400 |
14001 | Found multiple SSO settings, only one expected; Hierarchy: {}. | 400 |
14002 | Could not find SSO Identity Provider; Hierarchy: {}, IDP uri: {}. | 400 |
14003 | Could not resolve SSO Identity Provider; Hierarchy: {}, IDP uri: {}. | 400 |
14004 | System generated certificate expected but not specified in data/SsoSettings. | 400 |
14005 | System generated certificate has an invalid private key. | 400 |
14006 | System generated certificate has an invalid certificate. | 400 |
14007 | Unknown principal: {}. | 400 |
14008 | Unsupported binding: {}. | 400 |
14009 | Verification error: {}. | 400 |
14010 | SubjectConfirmation is used but there is no NotOnOrAfter attribute | 400 |
14012 | NotBefore and NotOnOrAfter should be present when using either in Condition | 400 |
14013 | OneTimeUse element should be present when neither NotBefore nor NotOnOrAfter attributes in Condition | 400 |
14014 | Only one OneTimeUse element should be present in Condition | 400 |
14015 | Unencrypted assertions are not allowed | 400 |
14016 | The session cannot be used yet | 400 |
14999 | Error: {}. (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
ScriptError | Message | HTTP Code |
8000 | Script not found | 400 |
8002 | Syntax error on line {} | 400 |
8003 | Could not connect to {} | 400 |
8004 | Authentication failed {} | 400 |
8999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
HierarchyBasedAccessError | Message | HTTP Code |
22000 | Invalid traversal argument: ‘{}’; Traversal must be one of {}. | 400 |
22001 | {model_type} with {attr_name} “{attr_value}” is only permitted at the following hierarchy type(s): {hierarchy_types}. | 403 |
22999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
TestConnectionError | Message | HTTP Code |
12000 | Please specify the model type of the device connection parameters | 400 |
12999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
SysError | Message | HTTP Code |
0 | Error, Mongo service not started | 400 |
1 | Error, Server too busy | 400 |
2 | Error, Celery service not started | 400 |
PlatformError | Message | HTTP Code |
28000 | Could not execute platform command; Exit code: {} | 500 |
28999 | Error, {} (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 500 |
InternalApiUserError | Message | HTTP Code |
18000 | Authorization user [{}] not found. | 400 |
18999 | Error, (UNHANDLED_ERROR) | 400 |
SystemMonitoringError | Message | HTTP Code |
70000 | Aggregate {} is not supported by {} | 400 |
RisApiError | Message | HTTP Code |
80000 | RIS API data collection failed for {} | 400 |
ThemeError | Message | HTTP Code |
90000 | Theme name {} is reserved for system use. Please choose another name. RIS API data collection failed for {} | 400 |
ClientShapeError | Message | HTTP Code |
100000 | File operation error: ‘{}’ | 400 |
ClientShapeWarning | Message | HTTP Code |
105000 | System has not yet been linked to an account in ClientShape | 400 |
105001 | System is already linked to an account in ClientShape | 400 |
105002 | System has already been registered in ClientShape | 400 |