LBO and Analog Gateway Configuration and Generated Events

LBO and Analog Gateway Configuration and Corresponding Events

Event Configuration
LBO and Analog Gateway Configuration Action Generated LBO and Analog Gateway Events
Add an IOS Device HcsAddIOSDeviceEVT
Delete an IOS Device HcsDeleteIOSDeviceEVT
Add an Analog Device HcsAddAnalogGatewayEVT
Add an Analog Gateway Endpoint HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT
Add an Analog Gateway Endpoint Mod HcsAddAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT
Delete an Analog Gateway HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEVT
Delete an Analog Gateway Endpoint HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointEVT
Delete an Analog Gateway Endpoint Mod HcsDeleteAnalogGatewayEndpointModEVT